heres my tips
i passed first go so like just relax
i was heaps nervous even whilst driving but i just kept my cool, spole nicely to the driving lady and so on

heres my main fuckups: i took off without the door closed properly, so whilst driving the instructor told me, so while i was coming up to an intersection [ with indicator on ofcourse] i opened door and closed it... whilst still driving and just as she was saying when you stop.... anyways i think she ignored it [ thankyou if ever you read this nice RTA lady at Shellharbour] but my indicator had cancelled whilst i was fiddling with door, so i went around the corner with an indicator... well i realised as a finished the turn and thought well now iam FINISHED FOR SURE! so i kept driving, kept my cool and i no, at the time i didnt know you got more than 1 chance at indicator problems, i thought it would be 1 and instant failure
so i did my driving really well, did a hill start, curbside stop and whatnot. I knew the course really well cause my insructor had taken my through the most popular ones... after curbside stop, i had trouble starting again, so it like started then stalled only cause this wasnt my car, was instructors, so i kept my cool and started again then took off.
didnt have any troubles with roundabouts, instructor looked a little tense when iwas coming up to one and didnt slow down, but i had my eye on the right side all the time and knew no traffic was incoming, so i just went through at like 40km [ not knowing that the standard is to slow down, usually to a stop then proceed through the roundabout] but even though this wasnt normally done, i wasnt in rouble cause it just reflected my own confidence in driving and being able to make decissions on the fly[ and yes iam well aware that most P platers take roundabouts like this, but think of how many L platers do, and then how many that sit an exam do it]
so i got past a certain point and knew that the instructor was going to make me reverse park on a very busy, narrow and with cars parked togther so no large gaps type of road...remember my instructor had taken me on this t rack before, so i knew if they didnt make me reverse park around where i did the hillstart that i was going to be doing it in a very busy part
so i stood there with jmy indicator on for ages waiting for traffic to slow up, finally it did and i went in for the park... just a little 2 fast so it was way 2 shallow and not close enough to the curb... i also knew u had 4 turns before u get penalised
so i just backed up, then went back in.. tada, a decent park, although not close enough to the curb on something for the instructors liking so i lost a point there
then i drove in to RTA, whilst my family are all there asking if i passed[ all the while me looking like a ghost thinking i failed]