sub said:
ok...maybe i miss read this, or are u REALLY trying to say that what u follow is NOT a religion? that seems retarded to me...but then i again, i have, apparently, misread another post, so please clear this up for me...
What I mean is that religion is a man made stucture for our beliefs, and that is not something i would settle for. If i took the meaning of religion to be "something you do every day", then yes I'd follow a religion. I am a follower of the techings of Christ, and not of the teachings of christians.
Its sorta hard for me to explain, christianity is my religion per se, but I dont think it should fall under the label of religion. In my opinion, someone were to follow the object of that "religion", i.e. christians follow Christ, then its not religion. I dont know what you'd call it, but you are not conforming to a man made structure which is how I see religion.
sub said:
true, i agree with ur argument of the flawed nature of humans and all, but ur assuming that religion is "created" by humans, and in doing so, u have just said that what u believe in is "created"...that is illogical considering the rest of ur post...
^I explained that above (poorly... but im lazy

sub said:
no, i DONT believe the manipulation thing does being greedy make us want to fit something in to a little box? that seems like ur using religion to fill in the blanks, or trying to push a square block through a round hole. THAT is NOT how u treat or view religion, especially cos the rest of ur post shows that u actually are devout, or atleast religious.
Religion IS like trying to push a square block through a round hole. God gave us a round block when he sent his son to fulfill his laws and promises. Yet religion is people picking up a square block and forcing it in. What I believe ignores the square block and goes straight for the round one, like God meant.
sub about Rev 22:18-19 said:
ok, now with this quote from the bible...u use it to argue the abhorence of change to the bible...yet hasnt things been added to it? it was not the original that was sent down to Jesus approximately 2000 years ago. it was paraphrased by other people from what was remembered. now, these people MAY be very honest and all...i cannot argue with that, because i dont know much about it, but...u must realise that what was written once by "God", as he sent down the religion, it is NOT the same as before...thus doesn't ur quote go against ur own religion? i do not want to argue this point if u dont want to as i dont intend to attack christianity...this is merely to clear things up for me.
Its true that some things may have been added or subtracted... BUT the earliest manuscripts found very closely match the later ones showing that the texts have remained relatively unchanged. Very little has changed from the earliest known manuscripts (which are historically close to the event compared to some other texts). And also:
2 Timothy 3:16 said:
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness
If I believe that God is infallible, then it would be hypocritical of me to believe that his word is false. If i have faith in God, then I also have faith that his Word remains true through out all generations.
sub said:
thats nice to hear...i wont compromise on my religion either, but the way u word it makes it seem as though u are asked to be different? now that shouldnt be the case. i am different per se, because of what i believe in, not because my religion tells me to be different. im not sure if that makes sense, but think about it.
Well a christian is supposed to be different. As i said, the word holy means to be set apart for God. I am different because I am an individual, but I am also different because I am set apart for God to use me to work out his plan.
Please note that my being different in no way makes me superior to anyone. I will stand out if I am living how I am called to live, but everybody is still equal, and therefore a christian who acts superior is not living a christian life style.
sub said:
with the context part of that statement...WRONG...u cannot say it is relevant in all contexts. context is the way of preceiving something. if u deliberately try to make something mean something that it doesn't by taking minor passages from any text, u can create any meaning. so saying ur religion caters for all concepts is wrong - because all ur confirming is that ur religion may be interpreted in any way. when looking at the context of a text, u must look for textual integrity, or take a statement in context of what else was said about that incident or topic at that time as well. if u are able to isolate a few words that say "jump off a building", yet when taken in the context of the rest of the sentence, it actually says "jump off a building if there is a fire"... u cannot say that it still makes sense. context alters the perception of truth, or any meaning that may be derived, and u must be able to look at things from the intended context, or something totally obscure may result...
You are 100% right... I am wrong... sort of. When I thought context, i thought time and place. Thats why I used the word. I meant something which was relevent in ancient greece 2000 years ago will still be relevent in America 2000 years in the future. As long as the original message is held to, then that message will always have its place in any society. But if the message is changed by different interpretations, it automatically becomes the word of man, and not the word of God.
sub said:
here it is evident that context changes how the bible can be viewed...u say two things in ur argument which, to me at least, go against what u are saying.
The way the bible "can" be viewed changes, but the bible isnt meant to be interpreted by men. The message of the bible did not change, for it cannot change as it means the same thing through out all generations. The religious leaders of the time distorted what was true and labeled him a heretic. They added what they themselves believed without realising the bible never says anything against it.
If people apply different readings to the bible, then it is no longer the word of God. It is possible to apply different readings, but it is not possible to have it remain true if you do that.
Sorry if some of that wasn't what you were getting at... sometimes i am easily confused
Sophie777 said:
Gemita, People saying to me God does exist is just as insulting as me saying to them God does not exist. The sole reason I say this is to attempt to use their logic back at them. I don't know if God exists at all. I have absolutely no idea. But I find it insulting for people to assume that their opinion on matter is correct and hence if God does exist then my way of living is somehow inferior.
So, my opinion is only expressed in such a way due to me insult at people assuming their views as fact.
I may be slightly out of line in saying this, but if you are unsure whether there is or isnt a God, how can you continue to argue? Id understand if you were presenting both sides of the argument, or opposed to both of them... but if you are undecided whats the point in arguing?