Rudd is very hypocritical, i believe he knows how to have a good time, he was even caught in a new york strip club which he stated the following when outed "But Kevin Rudd was today having to explain to voters and Labor Party colleagues a visit to an infamous New York strip club during which he said he was too drunk to remember what happened."
Kevin Rudd should be a better role model if he wants us to listen to his rants about binge drinking. One he was in a strip club (when he had a family and was a married man) 2 he was too off his face to even remember it.
He and his party should come talk to us when he stops living up to the sterotypical drinking Aussies and stop being hypocritical.
I'm sorry Kevin didnt you grow up in the drug culture of the 60s and 70s wonder what you were up to on a saturday night?
Im sorry at least Johnny was a better role model then him!