Rules for Customers (4 Viewers)


Oct 12, 2004
Will Shakespear said:
fwiw, the "coffee" at maccas is hardly coffee at all
Oh I was thinking about McCafe..
I didnt realise people still drank that brown watered down stuff in the jug.

But when customers go out to a public place to have a cup of coffee, traditionally the milk should be steamed.. unless they ask for cold, or an ICED coffee [which I dont know if they make].

Also because people buy coffee because it's classed as a hot drink.... not lukewarm.

How else can I explain it *slaps forehead* Just don't do it again unless specified.


you've got the love
Jul 1, 2008
wuddie said:
maybe this belongs in the 'rules for staff' thread?

some people don't like/ can't having cold milk in their coffee. you may think it is nothing unusual, but in the hospitality industry, a business has to think long and hard before they decide to serve something cold, becasue there is always the chance of germs and all that.
I know, I know. I am someone who complains far too much, my apologies.


Oct 12, 2004
This is a thread for complaint/whinges..
Just make sure they're relevant and uhm.. not something ordinary and expected

eg. "Don't order fries" or whatever you said.. I thought staff at Maccas are supposed to ask, "Would you like fries with that?"


you've got the love
Jul 1, 2008
CieL said:
This is a thread for complaint/whinges..
Just make sure they're relevant and uhm.. not something ordinary and expected

eg. "Don't order fries" or whatever you said.. I thought staff at Maccas are supposed to ask, "Would you like fries with that?"
Only in America, CieL :p
Sep 27, 2007
CieL said:
Me too.

I don't like green bags when:
1. The customer just buys it. You have to find scissors to cut them open. Or get red marks on your fingers from tearing the seal apart.
2. They don't sit well on the plastic bag rack.
3. They're pretty high so when you pack on the counter you gotta peer over it [unless you're a yeti]
4. When the customer doesn't hold it up for you and it flops everywhere.
5. When the customer doesn't wash it.
6. When the customer stuffs about 10 bags into one. You pull the first one you touch out and the rest spring out over the floor and over the counter.
7. It is much much much much slower than packing in plastic bags.
8. When the customer has a enviro bag that folds and zips up... and hands them all to you zipped up. Waste of time.
9. They expect you to pack a lot in an enviro bag. I don't mind the occassional lift, but lifting a $300 bill's worth of enviro bags repeatedly over several shift kinda kills my arms and back. Especially when they DEMAND you to fill them up.
10. This list can seriously go on forever with my hate of "enviro bags".
a helpful customer once showed me a little trick... you put a pen through the loop, twist it to put strain on the plastic, then pull :) it breaks HEAPS easier :)

however, all those other things about greenbags are VERY true... customers always aplogise about leaving their greenbags in the car... and i"m all oh... ok... thats no good then... *secretly cheering* :D


Apr 6, 2008
A Place...
Sorry for any repeats

1) Don't ask me if this can be refrigerated after opening i don't freaking know!
2) Don't load up my conveyor belt, give me two green bags and then whinge when i have to put stuff in plastic
3) Don't buy enviro bags that have no base (just sewed together at the bottom) and wonder why i cant fill them up
4) DON'T rearrange the conveyor belt when im trying to pack stuff
5) When we say the store is closed it means YOU HAVE TO GO HOME!
6) When my light is off and my closed sign is up that means im CLOSED!
7) I can see there are no trolleys in the trolleys in the trolley bay (whilst im serving a customer) Turn your head to the left and theres about just 100 of them outside the door!!

Why do customers turn up at woollies at 8 am and start waving at you because the doors wont open READ THE SIGN!! we open at 9!!
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Jun 13, 2005
it annoys me when you say hi to customers and they just give a tight smile back. i don't care if you're tired or stressed. it's not that hard to reply with a simple 'hi'. it's common courtesy. atleast say ONE word to me when we're both just standing there and i'm scanning all your shit and packing it. it's not like i'm one of those sales assistants trying to force a sale out of you (you know what i mean. i'm not saying customers have a right to ignore sales assistants).

oh, those customers who manage to go through an entire transaction without uttering one word - i hope they die in a car crash on the way home. and i hope their family really enjoys their fruits & vegetables because they paid more than they should've for it.

...people who do it would know what i'm talking about it. i'm not saying i do it. lulz. uh yeah. but for those who do, i'm just SURE it's a petty but great feeling knowing you ripped them off while continuing to be as polite as possible. lol.


Dr Greenthumb
Jul 30, 2007
yes! when a customer doesn't even respon to me when i'm give them my usual enthusiastic 'hey how r you' , i crack the shits and just chuck all their stuff in the bags
i don'r care if their groceries are mixed up and i generally become rude and don't wish them a good day/night
they shit me


like bonnie and clyde
Jun 29, 2008
i fucking hate customers all together.

especially the foreign ones that can't speak for shit, so they get pissed off at you because you don't understand them. :(

as if it's my fault.


Ncc Tardis
Nov 17, 2005
Inner West, Sydney
I just say to them "I can't understand you"
if they keep trying, I walk away.

I've been so tempted to inform them I can have an immigration officer on premises within 5 minutes though....

Yea, I'm just waiting for the time when I'm gonna need to show a passport to get into my local area....

Also, if my roller doors are down, don't waste your breath.
I don't care if:
1.You ran from the station, theres a bottlo right next to the station, either your an idiot, or a lyer.

2. It's only 10 to 8 and I'm closed. I still have to take garbage out and lock up the shop, they whinge if I stay too long past 8, so thats that.

3. You only have to get one thing and you know what it is. You know what else? Too late!

Bah I hate customers sometimes... let me text, listen to music and put booze away in peace fools!


Aug 30, 2008
aussiechick007 said:
a helpful customer once showed me a little trick... you put...
With the liquorland bags, i just pull them hard and they break. Do the green bags tear when you pull hard?


Is in A State Of Trance
Feb 2, 2005
xxxx8888 said:
it annoys me when you say hi to customers and they just give a tight smile back. i don't care if you're tired or stressed. it's not that hard to reply with a simple 'hi'. it's common courtesy. atleast say ONE word to me when we're both just standing there and i'm scanning all your shit and packing it. it's not like i'm one of those sales assistants trying to force a sale out of you (you know what i mean. i'm not saying customers have a right to ignore sales assistants).

oh, those customers who manage to go through an entire transaction without uttering one word - i hope they die in a car crash on the way home. and i hope their family really enjoys their fruits & vegetables because they paid more than they should've for it.

...people who do it would know what i'm talking about it. i'm not saying i do it. lulz. uh yeah. but for those who do, i'm just SURE it's a petty but great feeling knowing you ripped them off while continuing to be as polite as possible. lol.
it's even more annoying in the deli.

they just grunt, point at the window and hold x amount of fingers up.
as if i'm supposed to know how much you want.


Nov 12, 2006
im at coles and i had a customer come through with a whole lot of fruit and veg, and she basically inspected every single thing i put through checking the weight and the price to make sure that i did it correctly. Her reasoning was "don't mind me, im just double checking everything coz you young people never seem to know what you're doing in todays day and age." that was what she said! now i didnt mind that too much at the time because she was obviously just a bitchy customer (every second one is) but i put through her potatoes, and they were really really small (as in some of them were like a 50 cent coin small) so i put them through as cocktail potatoes, and naturally she fixed me up, which again, i was fine with, and i apologised for the mistake, to which she said "Ohh, you must be new here. im sorry i've probably been a little harsh to you. don't worry, i sucked at my job when i first started too." to be honest i was abit pissed off. i know you probably don't think its that bad, but it pissed me off! especially considering i wasn't new...


Nov 12, 2006
while im on my rant, i can't stand the customer who always comes to who always looks like he's been living under the bridge somewhere, and he just randomly starts talking about how he is under police investigation for rape, paedophilia charges, and the police now suspect him for terrorism links and stuff, and he goes on and on about it. the other day he came in and talked to me, and wouldn't stop talking, and in that time i was able to serve 4 more customers (2 trolleys full, the others didn't have much) before i could get him to leave. he actually thinks im interested in how he's written letters to MPs and hotshot lawyers who say they'll represent him for whatever he's done


New Member
Oct 11, 2008
working at kmart

- the photo prints for 19c each is temporarily discounted to 11c each, no your not getting a further discount for "bulk purchase"
- i have no database system to check, sorry okay get over it, have a look on the shelves
- i cant fix the machines, the only person trained to do so is on his lunch, you can wait half an hour, come back or just leave. stop winging
- i have a que of 30 people, dont expect me to help you when u walk past and yell out, "can u come help me with photo printing??"
- dont be rude, dont call me names like a bastard, i wont help you!
- its not my fault that i have to work a 9 or 10 hour shift on a busy saturday and not have a single break, so sorry if i make a tiny mistake that takes less than 10 seconds to fix
- i hate u if u want to price match a shop that is located inside the same shopping centre, takes less than 2 mins to walk there so why waste my time making me call them and check their prices and stock quantity just so you can save $2 (yes everyday i get price matchings for shops in the same centre and for less than $5)
- im not blind i can see there is a que!
- no u cannot do "instant printing" on the "collect later printing"
- AGAIN! im not blind i can see there is a que!! shut up or leave!
- "where are the phones?" ...... "right behind you" (in some cases "right infront of you")
- im sorry if i now need to ask for ID etc when buying prepaid mobile phones, its not my fault that new legislation has been brought in. i have to ask and record it because it is the law now!
- wtf is with the huge spill of rainbow ice cream in the cd's aisle??
- im sorry you slipped on it, i didnt leave the ice cream on the floor, the mother of the kid who spilt it should have told me so i could have clean it earlier

that'll do from me


you've got the love
Jul 1, 2008
Masera said:
working at kmart
- the photo prints for 19c each is temporarily discounted to 11c each, no your not getting a further discount for "bulk purchase"
- no u cannot do "instant printing" on the "collect later printing"
That would really piss me off, if they wanted instant printing they should have paid the few cents extra per print for the convenience. fat lazy rude slugs.


Nov 20, 2007
coles service.
- dont complain when we dont have enough staff on the registers. it is not my fault people decided to fuck everyone over and not turn up!
- dont tell me how to pack you plastic bags, im not a moron who is gonna put milk on top of bread!
- dont give me your green bags all folded and packed into the cold bag, IF OYU PUT THE COLD THINGS ON THE BELT FIRST THEN PUT THE COLD BAG ON THE BELT! i hate it when i have to take all the bags out and use the cold bag and then all the other green bags fall all over the place etc etc. it makes our job much harder
- dont complain when yuou ask me to get a price check and someone doesnt come to your service in 5 seconds falt. we are not your slaves, there is never a moment in the store when the manager of a department can drop everything and do as you wish. THEY ARE WORKING! dont bother them, just accept the friggin items and get the hell out of the store!- if i ask for FB dont stare at me and then realise that 'oo yes i do have them, how about i search through millions of cards in my overflowing wallet of shit and find it for you'. if you dont know where it is, dont bother.
- i am clearly not legally allowed to let you purchase smokes at my register, under age/not trained. so stop asking! i cant bend the rules for you just because you are a crack addict and cant afford to feed your addiction, just go and wait at the service desk you lazy bum.
- dont come up to me with an empty OLAY box and ask me to get the content for you. im not gonna have it behind MY register, obviously. go ask supervisor on service desk.
- DONT PAY USING A CHEQUE! it is the biggest fight to put it through, not to mention you will hold up the line for a good 10 minutes. if oyu use a cheque, i WILL tell you to beat it. haha.
- dont come in reeking of booze/cigarette smoke and expect to pick up. your a feral, we have a job to do. just go away.
- give us a chance to say hello how you going, dont cut me off by telling me that you have forgotten your geen bags or you dont want a certain item or whatever, just answer the damn question and be happy about it.

coles bakery.
- i have 5am starts okay? so if you see me packing the bread rolls, dont come up and talk to me. i am in the shittiest mood imaginable. you wont like my repsonse..
- dont ask us if we can make you a fresh pack of hot hot donuts, it aint gonna happen.
- dont stand around when i am doing mark downs and wait till i put the $1 dollar sticker on the item you want, chances are the item you want wont be marked down.
- i am not going to make you a cake to order. what is ont he shelf is what is on the shelf. take it or leave, i dont care. i am not gonna make you an extra cream filled, pink/choc iced,sprinkle covered, jam coated, coconut mooshed whatever..just no.
- we cant help ir if the containers for donuts dont fit the donut properly and then the icing sticks. be grateful that the donut is above average sized and take your oiled filled donuts and move on.
- no, i will not make a pack of only yellow iced donuts. who eats them anyway?
- we arent allowed to m ix snickers and mars cookies..HELLO, NUT ALLERGIES?!

that is about all. :lol:


Apr 6, 2008
A Place...
Pilotdude said:
Lol i flat out refuse to swipe people cards now, if they try to give me the card i dont stick my hand out and most people drop their cards lol as they are 'giving' it to me i just point at the eftpos terminal and say swipe it. Or you get the ones, 'thats not my job' ah it aint mine either fucktard

Lol if they dont swipe i just ignore it untill it times out, then say you need to swipe your card as its your card!

I hate the ones that say its 'savings' or just on 'credit thanks', thats nice your swiping it buddy!
lol, i say it's just on the terminal over hear and point to the EFT until they swipe ot.


Jun 13, 2005
yeah, i also never swipe anyone's card.

you know how some people stand on the other side of the bay area and expect you to walk/lean over to them to grab their card, go back and swipe? i just say 'come around here and swipe your card thanks'. hahaha. it's so fucking annoying and rude. yes. it IS rude. even if you're paying by cash, come around and hand it to me. oh, when i tell them to swipe their card, some people have the nerve to say 'you do it for me' like a pathetic little child. you're 40. do it yourself.

some people immediately get the hint when they take out their card and hand it to me, and i just glance at it and look back at the screen asking them if it's credit or if they want cash out. others just drop it on the scale so i tell them to swipe it. i seriously don't get it. THE MACHINE IS FACING YOU. AT EVERY REGISTER, ALL THE TIME.

i also think middle aged people are really fucking slow. how many times do they go grocery shopping (or shopping in general) exactly, and still never learn to wait until it says 'SWIPE NOW' before swiping their card (unless they've pre-swiped). i've noticed it's always all the young people who wait until it says swipe now.

i've also come to another conclusion. the customers who chuck a fit over me requesting them to unpack their baskets are shit parents who refuse to do any nice favours for their children like picking them up at 2am from wherever. i can just tell.

also hate the dumb customers who keep trying to hand you their card/cash before i've scanned everything.

edit: i think EVERY single staff should ask customers to unpack their baskets then they'll get the hint. i want to stab the dumbasses who say "WELL, every time i've been shopping here, OTHER workers had NO problem unpacking it FOR me. they were HAPPY to do it". ugh. it's so annoying because i know the staff weren't "happy to do it", it annoys them too, but they just don't ASK. I DON'T KNOW WHY. I KNOW IT ANNOYS YOU ALL. JUST TELL THEM TO UNPACK IT.
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