HAHAHAHAHAH, you going to fail idiot, I told u guys so many times, get help early if you need it, if you are thinking of changing right now then you obviously didnt get help early enough!.
Once again, I was doing you a favour by putting "you are better of getting a tutor EARLY before you screw up" in my tutoring ad , and you guys never took it seriously , everyone automatically thought that meant that I was only after the money, but in actual fact it was to stop people in your situation stressing ( I knew there would be situations exactly like yours come up, they do every year ) , I was trying to help you and you wanted to do it the hard way, yet another person has a screwed up because they didnt listen to my advice!. Serves you right for being a jerk and not giving me a go
You could have got 90+ easy for all your maths tests if you werent a jerk and gave me a go, but you decided you wanted to do it the hard way , be stressed out , and get a shit mark
Once again, I was doing you a favour by putting "you are better of getting a tutor EARLY before you screw up" in my tutoring ad , and you guys never took it seriously , everyone automatically thought that meant that I was only after the money, but in actual fact it was to stop people in your situation stressing ( I knew there would be situations exactly like yours come up, they do every year ) , I was trying to help you and you wanted to do it the hard way, yet another person has a screwed up because they didnt listen to my advice!. Serves you right for being a jerk and not giving me a go
You could have got 90+ easy for all your maths tests if you werent a jerk and gave me a go, but you decided you wanted to do it the hard way , be stressed out , and get a shit mark
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