Amigo, you see, you won't demotivate me, because
1. I am very much aware of Ruse being ahead of the state in the subjects i'm doing, that's precisely why I intend to kick their asses
2. as you say, beating them is like coming first in all your subjects, well my man, if that's what it takes to be ahead of every single ruse kid, then that's what im going to do

3. You don't know who I am, so you have no way of knowing that ruse kids will beat me, because you don't know my skill level in my subjects, so you can't assume immediately ruse kids are better.
4. You most definitely do not sound harsh

You sound more unfazed than anything else, that Ruse is unbeatable.
5. I help myself with high goals, it maintains motivation and self esteem, helping me all the more.
So amigo, you must try it too