i dont have any real gripes, though i like a girl who has enough intelligence that we can have a conversation (not about make-up or clothes), its a bonus if their greek, i dont think i could date an ugly girl, call me superficial but first impressions are based on looks and i dont approach an ugly girl (ugly being a personal taste of course), financial status doesnt bother me, neither does height (doubt ill find a girl taller

), they need to have SOME class, weight doesnt bother me (because if i find them attaractive then who cares?), id prefer no tattoo's but a small one is ok, im not a fan of piercings, but whatever. i prefer it if the girl doesnt smoke period and i would only date a girl that did smoke if she quit straightaway. i dont mind social drinkers, just not binge drinkers and people who consider getting drunk a good time.
i think thats it