Vicly said:
Does anyone know any visual texts which represents any of Coleridge's poems?
On about page 9 someone already posted as a representation of lime tree or mariner, can anyone care to explain to me how it would represent the poems or imaginative journey for that matter?
I need to create a poster as visual representation for my homework asiisgnment whcih is supposed to link 1 coleridge poem and 1 related text.
when i saw the pic (from link above)
i wondered how you can explain it links to imgainative journey or coleridge
btw since i can't draw i was wondering how i can find good abstrat painting or visuals for my poster
m thinking of doing kubla khan n animal farm, do u think they link well?
i thought the perfect world Coleridge imagines in kubla khan links to animal farm whr da animals want a world with no human control.
but like Coleridge realse the perfect place does not exist so do the animals in animal farm as the pigs become like human.
or i was thinking of doing 'the wish' by roald dohl or 'the selfish giant' by oscar wilde do u think they relate better to any particular coleridge poem?
any advice or comment is greatly appreciated!