Wooooahhh lots of posts on this thread that I never thought would be here ahahaha. I haven't been on this thing in a while, but I remember posting this thread so I figured I'd look at it
I ended up going on Tony Ferguson in Feb.
I've lost 15kg in the past 11 weeks. I want to lose another 5 - 6kg so I can have some room to move around once I'm off the program. I was exercising regularly at the gym for the first 3/4weeks of the program, but then when uni got too much my exercise dropped..but I walk a hella lot every day just around uni to the station, around the city, so that was still 'exercise'.
To all the people that think going on a diet like this doesn't teach healthy eating habits...I think you are wrong. Why? I've learnt to eat in portions at particular times during the day only. I have no appetite for disgusting foods anymore cause I saw how hard it was to get the weight off - why would I want to put it back on? I've learnt how important water is..and gotten used to drinking 2L+ a day.
If you get fat..and find exercise alone isn't working because you still don't know what's up with your diet..I say go on a meal replacement program for a few months and drop the weight, get into new habits, then maintain your new body with exercise and no crap foods.
Oh and TF is scientifically proven...those shakes are seriously like magic weightloss formula. They have all the vitamins/minerals/supplements in them that you need to actually burn fat! In fact..I'm going to do an 'after' fat measurement next week