I'll give some answers to some of the above points:
1) Of Course Christians should read the Old Testament, the OT gives the New Testament its context.
Some parts of the Old Testament are ignored because they have become replaced by new ways, there is not longer Human/Animal sacrifice (Yom Kippur for example) because, thanks to Jesus, the sacrifices are no longer needed.
2) "Yom/Yoma" doesn't nessessarily only translate to "a 24-hour day". That is one of many translates that also include a general period of time
3) He may seem like a bastard, he's sorta like John Howard, the things he does may make him look like a dick at first, but if you look closer, there is logic and reason behind the things he does. This goes for (4) too.
5) This is an arguement over whether we have free-will or not, I have looked at this via religion, physics and biology and have not found a good answer from either, so I wont make a proper comment.
6) The Bible is surprisingly easy to read, esspecially translations like the New International Version, which is fairly accurate. lol, its no where near as bad as Shakespeare.
7) No Shit, its not descrimination over birthplace, but he definately judges people by religion, but of course he does, almost every religion does.
It has it's own commandment:
Exodus 20:3
"you shall have no other gods before me."
Also, if you don't believe in Christianity and Jesus Christ, you better be at work today as this weekend of the religous holiday of Easter