Doing well in the hsc means nothing in life.
Sure some certain courses are a "safe way to have a ok future but remember you have to pass at uni and you do not know for sure what life has install for you

Doing well in the hsc does not make you "invincible" and also gain you a future with a job that will bring in big $$$.
Also remember if you want to make big money in the future having a "degree" will mean nothing you may have all the degrees in your certain field but does this mean you are guaranteed a job in this field? Does this mean you will be the ultimate worker at this job?
HSC does not measure success, success is something that comes from people who are adventurous with their money and start early in life.
Not people who area at uni until their 28 doing some double degree in surgery and leaving uni with a hecs bill you can not jump over?
Take my cousins parents for example they both don’t have degrees but their on 500k/net a year from their own business and they have a house worth 20 million this is success

They started working at 18 and built their wealth they were up to 10 years ahead of the uni trained guy.