I think i justfied myself well, but due to the ignorant users on this post, it seems that to make you happy i will be typing for the rest of my life and my afterlife. I remember lexiograher, i believe said that he didn't really try in the HSC (yes ppl do not always try) so this is an exception to the rule.
Anyway not-that-bright, aka Mr 8,500+ posts, now who needs to get a life. :rofl: :rofl: And ur not even a BOS man. rofl IT's sad how a person with so much experience in posting can't even reply with a coherent response, even with a dictionary. I mean is this a hobby of yours?
And yea, spelling mistakes...i didn't really care about mistakes..but not-that-bright "ascertions"..i think that is a genuine mistake btw it's spelt "assertions" :wave: And you went to the dicitonary to define "intelligence"... How many other times did you go to look up other "big" words. rofl
Besides ppl who argue with me are probabalyy thos who tried very hard to get a high uai, but didn't. They are just trying to argue with ppl to delude themselves and make themselves feel better
Time to go watch my Simpsons episodes.

"Smartness is measured/correlates to the UAI, therefore a bad UAI means you are DOOOOMED" Actually it means that you are not very smart or you have bludged your hsc year. Your use of intellect to string two ideas together, one which i never even said(doomed) is amazing. I see that media degree as got you very far!!
Oh yeah fleasingbAg, screenshots can be easily altered if you didn't know, you'lll then prob accuse me of this anywya.. Mannn it's sseriously sad how ppl who got low uai try to discredit others(not neccessarily directed at u).
PS Brogan_77 PLz fo not use expletives, it just shows your stupidity and ignorance. Go to your bogan friends in the bush and release your frustrations on them.
"e is going to UNSW doing a Med degree " Yeah..lucky i studied/worked hard in the last year so i could get into what i want.
Stazi- "he probably did exceptionally well in Maths and Science-based subjects" thankyou but i must have done well in english to get 99.9 since english scales poorly if you get less than 90. " typical 'asian nerd'...once again ur wrong. You must be one of these aussie (or of similar nature) dudes who think that people who get high uais are study asian type nerds. Actually there are a lot of non-asians in law, commerce etc! "no concept of self or what is happening around him." Well obviously making these rather random comments must be a past-time of urs. You obivuosly don't go out much or u'll realise there are non-asians in unis. JUST ANOTHER example of jealousy against high uai-achievers..i pity u