Gers sign Kris Boyd for 500K. I know the club I support may well be a perpetrator of this come January, but its a shame when a small club like Killie get a player with a wee bit of talent, the Old Firm snavell them up for a pittance. Boyd may be shite when he puts on the blue, which would be a terrible shame. For those who are SPL illiterate, hes the reason that Killie are doing well, and is the current top goalscorer in the league. While both Old Firm clubs are linked to other players in Scotland, it is one of the reasons the league has been left to a two horse race since the 80's. Gordie apparently wants Riordian and a few others from Hibs, which would seriously put Hibs chances for second or UEFA cup back. While I want to see the best Celtic team possible, its kinda sad that it might come to the detriment of Hibs and others. Perhaps what I want to see more is competition in the league (and Gers several spots behind us

). I spose it happens in every league, there are plenty of examples in the EPL.
Shit, look at that for a rant. If you read it, congrats.