shinji said:
What I mean by life span, is that all the potential for the gaming system for better games have been exhausted. In terms of processor load, etc. The capabilities of the system have been known and have been utliised to the fulllest.
They haven't, though. Every year a game with better graphics, better physics, and better capabilities comes out. X360 or ps3 development hasn't plateaud yet. this 'potential' for the ps3 is cited every year as why "next year" the ps3 will be better. This hasn't yet been actualised despite both consoles being out for quite a while now. There is no ps3 game which from a technical perspective looks better, or has more impressive physics, than a 360 game (and vice versa).
fully223 said:
Well XB360's are mad cause you can mod the disc drives and play backups. Just my 2 cents
Yeah...and get banned from xbox live and brick their consoles, like most people have with flashed drive.
shinji said:
lol. Simply because the X360 has been out for longer, and rumour is that MSoft is rolling out new Xboxes sometime in the near future. As for the PS3, no gaming company has utilised the full potential of the PS3. Althoguh, Killzone will probably be the first to use all 6 cores at 60% load.
Rumour. Not fact. Rumour. There would be no advantage for MS to roll out a new console. Neither would there be one for the ps3. In fact, MS people have commented on how long this gen is likely to last as games keep improving. As for the 'cores' argument, a lot of it is marketing. Think back to the 360 launch: people were talking about how much better the ps3 will be as it has way more cores thus way better graphics, physics, etc. A year later, the same argument was being used, and then a year later, and a year later again, the same is said (despite no games actually benefiting from more cores yet).
It reminds me of the 'only the ps3 could run 1080p games' argument, despite most games (on both the 360 and ps3) running natively at 720p.
Omie Jay said:
ok cool. I guess those are good reasons for ps3 over xbox360.
Now all i need is a major price drop and for my dad to get over his absolute hatred for videogames.
Actually..we mite be getting a big lcd tv, i'll see if we can get a bravia with a free ps3.. for 'blu-ray' purposes

And it does seem that it would take a while for developers to create games that use the ps3 to its FULL potential, using all 8 or so cores (or was it 6?), and maybe by then the next generation of consoles will be coming out?
If you can get a ps3 for free, definitely get it - you probably won't need a 360. If you need a blu-ray player, then yes, save some money overall by buying a ps3 (although be wary of high blu-ray prices: will you buy many blu-rays, or should you wait until they're more mainstream and blu-ray player prices plummet?)
However, if blu-ray isn't crucial for you, and you want an excellent gaming system almost indifferent to the ps3 (although with a better library of
current games, then save yourself the $300 and buy an Xbox 360 instead.