Trials are over! 8D
Personally, from easiest to hardest I'd say;
(Yeah I know, no real pattern here).
Maths would have been far easier if I'd revised better, some questions were just so simple, I got forgot the basics. Theoretically, I would say thats the easiest to gain marks in. Science was easy for me because I studied, I have an interest in it, but I'd assume if you hadn't studied it would be quite difficult, because it's not just something you can bs about.

History and geog have a huge content for a one hour exam.

Not fair. They're pretty easy though. Dates are what gets me. Plus our geog teacher never taught us, just got us to summarise the textbook.
Computers tomorrow, but that doesn't really count. I am aware that to save a document, you press save, rather than esc or shut down.