haha yeh man jerseys are pretty cool yeh true our school has a lot of 90+'s in our year, but at the same time we have more idiots who will drop the school ranking down:/ im sure mabi a few of us will get 99's
hahaha man only like around 7 band 6's in all the sciences:L soo bad, plus our school ranking is like gone down from 100's to 140:O hopefully our year can bring it up
Haha my normal history teacher today was all like "ZOMG why you drop, I'm not trying to change your mind". It was annnyoing but I was polite, saying I was waiting for the teachers to get back because it would be poor form to drop it while they're away haha
I haven't finished the process yet, I've got the form though and deputy's sig + parents sig. Had a nice long chat in his office, he was shocked at first but then understood my reasoning and that basically he expects good results from me lol Many teachers are away at camp atm, so I have to wait for them to get back for my form clearance.
forehead. yes, it's extremely important that i know. i don't believe you quite understand just how important this actually is, mate. it's really important.