i went off D= i didn't see the messages earlier because i just surfed a few threads.
lol oh dear >< fill urself with vitamins =\ and uh drink lots of soup and and honey lemon tea and eat lozenges poor kiddo. so close to exams as well
ah sh!t. i came late to class today so OWEN gave me my chem sheet after he got one for him and i uh completely forgot to get you one afterwards >__> twas a pastpaper. i'll get it tmrw and yea sure chem sheets too . i think it was an o5 paper. [not sure] but i'll put a highlighter mark on it to let you know it was today's one.
mmm besides that, hope u get better
far out this is why snotty grubby toddlers are so NOT cute. *glares*
the very young ones are, but sammy isn't