Search results

  1. mishka

    does anyone go to ASHCROFT high school?

    my dad went to ashcroft (actually it was one of three high schools he went to i think!) and i debated against ashcroft in 2003 and we won :D that's about as far as my connection goes :)
  2. mishka

    Uni probe reveals internet cheats

    i once heard that someone comes up with the same idea (i.e. the one in your head right now) 5 seconds later. :uhhuh: the whole "don't plagiarise, it's academic theft" scares me... i don't want to steal someone's brainwave, but i don't want to think i have to search stuff on the net before i...
  3. mishka

    what languages does your school have?

    we only had spanish. you had to do it in year 8, then it was elective in years 9-12. i did it all the way through and for the HSC. :)
  4. mishka

    Opinion on uni

    i'm not fee paying either, i'm just trying to see it from the other perspective... is the issue really about the fact that they can get in by paying, or is it because they have the money to do it???? because my whole problem was i couldn't accept the fact that these people could actually afford...
  5. mishka

    Opinion on uni

    well i used to be against fee paying...but now i can see what it's about. the differences are pretty significant. a lot of these people have only just missed out on a hecs place and want to get into the course so badly that they pay extra (and HEAPS extra) for the privilege. i know there's...
  6. mishka

    General or 2 Unit maths.

    if you're still unsure, compare past papers and look at both syllabus thingys. that might help you decide what level is going to be most helpful/relevant to you in the future (depending on job, uni study etc.) :)
  7. mishka

    is this participant observation?

    and "observe" indicates that watching would be involved. i don't know whether or not forum discussions would be regarded as valid research, but i could be wrong. personally i would steer clear of that sort of thing. :)
  8. mishka

    Interview anyone. PLEASE!

    thanks for posting the site pirotess4!!! :D
  9. mishka

    Interview anyone. PLEASE!

    if you want to conduct a questionnaire, you could do what a lot of others have done and post it on a free surveys site (someone might know it - WithoutWings had involvement in it i think). the site allows you to make the questions, and apparently tallies them for you as well. if it is...
  10. mishka

    post your lecture experiences

    hehehe in our lecture theatre, the desks swing up, and guaranteed at least once during every lecture, someone's desk will flop back down and send their papers flying into the person in front of them... if only you could see everyone's faces trying not to laugh... after 3 weeks there, it's...
  11. mishka

    Phantom of the Opera

    my point was, it's a musical, a movie based on a soundtrack, which supports the story being told. cutting out any song from the soundtrack would cause disjointment in the plot. :)
  12. mishka

    Urgent Tonight Urgent

    well i hung around for a while, and no reply, but search the threads in the sac forum - i'm sure i posted some barbie sites somewhere.... good luck with it!! :)
  13. mishka

    Society And Culture Is Harder?

    i did both last year, and i'd say they both have their challanging aspects. i found the IRP to be less stressful than the PIP, obviously the PIP is externally marked so you can't gauge on how the marker is going to react to your topic. the amount of detail in every part of the syllubus in...
  14. mishka


    yep, i did it too, that Pro-Ana movement sounds very worrying.
  15. mishka

    Urgent Tonight Urgent

    what sort of statistics were you after.... i posted some links to barbie sites not so long ago i think...
  16. mishka


    i think the actual letter is for HR reasons, so they can close the file :)
  17. mishka

    Help on Lear - How to prepare?

    i found it easier to set up comparisons in tables so it's easier to read... have a column for themes, characters, or a separate table all together if it makes it easier. just make sure you have the right dates, producers' names etc. we got severely marked down for that in our assessment :o
  18. mishka

    Teen drinking

    you could try "how does drinking alcohol affect the emotional wellbeing of teenage girls" it's still the same topic but you can narrow down the focus so it's more manageable. :uhhuh:
  19. mishka


    yeah i resigned from my job at kmart yesterday. it was pretty sad, but i know it's for the best. i have to write a letter though and hand in my discount card!! :D then i do my last shift on sunday then i'm freeeeeee!! :p
  20. mishka

    does groupwork suck shit?

    i don't mind doing a couple of group assignments, but i'd rather do ones by myself... i guess i like working alone and seeing my own efforts. i tend to take too much responsibility in groups :rolleyes: isn't the whole point of uni "self-guided learning" anyway?? just seems that a lot of...