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  1. T

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! Neb, were you around Fisher ~1pm today?
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    It's actually the 'PATRIOT Act' - or properly, the 'USA-PATRIOT Act' - not the 'Patriots Act'. Sorry. Nitpicking.
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    USYD Medicine

    Yeah, that's it. You do that degree, as well as a few 0cp units on communication or something, and then commence the Med degree - so long as you've maintained the appropriate average. So it doesn't actually get you an MBBS any quicker than doing a first degree and then applying for the MBBS...
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    Getting in a year later?

    You can apply online as a non school-leaver. Works basically the same as the Y12 application.
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Tomorrow's newspoll in the Australian shows the two-party-preferred at ALP 59 - 41 Coalition. Preferred PM: 48 Rudd, 37 Howard. Probably a bit exaggerated, but the movement from last poll is outside the margin of error, so ouch...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! I saw the red-haired guy in the blue checkered shirt too! I was wondering if it was Neb, but then he turned up in geopol, which I know Neb doesn't do. And thus my dreams were crushed.
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    geology at uSYD??

    Take a look here for the units in the Geology and Geophysics major.
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    SRC Elections '07

    It's called Student Rights or Student Life or Students R Awesome or something. Sara talked in both my lectures today, under the guise of promoting the protest at APEC. "Hi guys, I'm Sara and I'm running for SRC Prez. But I'm not here to talk about that..." Who's the Labor Left supporting for Honi?
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    The security area won't be as far south as David Jones. Don't know if they'll be open though, since it'll be a public holiday.
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    Where for Arts/Law

    What topics are you interested in doing in Arts?
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    B Economic & Social Sciences, B International Studies moving Faculties

    That's why I took the smart option and didn't do it. Unfortunately, I also took the unsmart option and did Geopolitics.
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    International Relations Help

    Unless you're Alexander Downer's daughter, in which case third-class honours will suffice.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! :) I think that'd be three floors above the psych office. I could be wrong, though. My favourite shortcut-that's-not-a-shortcut is Manning to OTC via Education. (And that weird annex building. Why does it have lockerrooms with showers?) It probably takes longer...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! 1. Go out the back of the psych office area, through the automatic doors. 2. Turn right and go up the stairs. 3. Follow the path into the quad. Easy!
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    B Economic & Social Sciences, B International Studies moving Faculties

    Yeah, I know. Although the cross-faculty limit means that some of the combinations of major/12 senior cp are unavailable. You wouldn't be able to do an extended major in economics and and the 12 senior cp in IR/HRM or vice versa.
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    B Economic & Social Sciences, B International Studies moving Faculties

    Here are the new requirements for BEcSocSci: First column is ECON and ECOP; second column is GOVT and whatever the code for IR/HRM is. Presumably there'll be transitional arrangements regarding the cross-faculty study restriction for people who are already enrolled. Edit: And interestingly...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! At least it means I can spend some time coming up with petty and superficial reasons not to vote for people. Yay!
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    What's Modern History Like?

    The prelim course in modern has a core study of the world up to 1914, focusing on colonialism, nationalism and that sort of thing as contributors to the explosion of violence in Europe in 1914. There's also two country/period studies which are chosen by your school (mine were Russia from the...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! Hey, so apparently there's going to be another round of student elections soon? Please spare me.