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  1. T

    HSTY1034 Early Modern Europe

    I liked the movie. Nothing much happened, but it was pretty nicely filmed.
  2. T

    Best building on campus

    Oh, good point.
  3. T

    Best building on campus

    Not sure if there's a cat in there, but there are a couple of statues of nymphs or something like that.
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    Best building on campus

    The door into the vice-chancellor's garden on the left of Pharmacy has 'Organic Chemistry' written over it, but I thought it was just a throwback to some old building, not one that actually still exists.
  5. T

    Best building on campus

    Transient is the corrugated iron one behind Chemistry. It was built for temporary use by soldiers during World War I, but it's now heritage-listed so the uni can't get rid of it. Architecture, god knows. Somewhere on the engineering side of Darlington campus.
  6. T

    Bachlor of Liberal Studies

    In LibStud (Intl) they give you $5000 towards your exchange. The scent of cash sends the UAI shooting up. The compulsory exchange and the higher average required are the only differences between LibStud and LibStud (Intl).
  7. T

    Best building on campus

    Because the poll is for architecture I voted Quad. But I actually prefer OTC overall, because it has nice interiors and spacious tute rooms and clean toilets and pleasant courtyards, whereas the Quad's teaching spaces are generally pretty dingy.
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    Actually one of Hitler's key reasons for the campaigns in Africa and southern Russia was to get access to oil reserves in Arabia and the Caucasus.
  9. T

    ECOP and GOVT moving to new School of Social Sciences in Arts

    :( Can we expect GOVT to come up with a list of 2008 units any time soon? Picking units for next year is a great way to procrastinate, and essay season is starting so I need as many methods of procrastination as possible.
  10. T

    US Studies Centre board announced

    As an institute of higher learning, don't we want investment in research and teaching? That's hardly frivolous. Also, we won the USSC out of the claws of Melbourne uni. So it's a physical symbol of Usyd's general awesomeness. We rule.
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    US Studies Centre board announced Do any of them have any links to Rupert Murdoch or George Bush? Because if they do the SRC will go insane.
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    ECOP and GOVT moving to new School of Social Sciences in Arts

    So will the School of Social Sciences replace a current school or be additional to the current three?
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    BREAKING: Christian Democratic Party made up of intolerant jerks.
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    Blocking off the city is not about getting rid of the right to protest. You'll notice that the police are allowing protests. The blocking off of the city is about preventing high-profile, democratically elected leaders of key Australian allies from being harmed or threatened.
  15. T

    GOVT1105 Geopolitics

    I really, really wish I'd done this earlier.
  16. T

    Bachlor of Liberal Studies

    UAI is lower for BAS. LibStud is in the high 80s, BAS is 75. And you can do a language in the BAS, you just don't have to.
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    UAC pin and UAC number

    The UAC number is your BOS student number with a 1 in front of it (or a 10 if your student number is seven digits rather than eight). You enter in your UAC number and your UAC PIN to log in.
  18. T

    which uni is 'best'?

    Other rankings give entirely different lists. I don't really think you should pay them much attention.
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    Re: First Preferences? You can send a money order or use BPAY, I think.