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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! Is Meningococcal C the one we got vaccinated against at school a few years ago?
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    Woo, assignment done and handed in. And only about a dozen people pitched for the tute today, it was weird. Maybe everyone dropped the subject or something.
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    Are there too many Internationals at UNI these days?

    Yeah, but like, foreigners! They want to kill everyone, you know?
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    Bachlor of Liberal Studies

    Main round offers come out at 9pm on January 17.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! The protestors were set up on top of the steps directly outside the door to Fisher today. These ambushes are getting fucking ridiculous. Do they seriously think that people who aren't interested in taking their pamphlets or signing their useless petitions will...
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    Bachlor of Liberal Studies

    If LibStud and BAS got rid of their pointless core units they'd be much better degrees. The inclusion of Socio-Legal Studies in the BAS is particularly insane.
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    Bachlor of Liberal Studies

    Liberal studies takes 1 year more to finish, not 1 year less. Main differences apart from that: -BLibStud requires you to do both an arts major and a science major, whereas BAS requires you to do an arts major or a science major (although you can do both if you want). -BLibStud gives you a...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! Libraries, quiet? You must never have been in Fisher undergrad when Commerce group assignments are coming due. Do the Bull editors still lurk on BoS? (I've seen disparaging references to it.) If so, could they take the advice I gave to Ruchir and get themselves...
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    Bachlor of Liberal Studies

    Yes, you can change preferences after the UAI comes out. Preferences for the main round usually close in the first week of January, UAIs come out in mid-December. (Edit: tennille beat me to it, but yeah.) There aren't lectures/subjects specific to liberal studies - you just choose from the...
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    Try one. If it says no, try the other. If neither works, then someone at UAC has screwed up, so call them up and berate them.
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    Scholarships and 'Gap Year'

    You apply for them this year, and then defer. That's certainly what Usyd does, but you might want to check with each uni. Also note that some unis don't allow you to defer scholarships. (Incidentally, you'd be looking for Youth Allowance, not Austudy. Austudy is for mature-age students.)
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    USYD vs UNSW

    Sydney's new law building will have park views, and a cafe and pedestrian plaza right outside. So in conclusion, choose Sydney.
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    Unis turn away from single entry mark

    I'd like to see interviews, written applications, other tests and so on used to determine admission, as in the US, at least for high-demand courses. Courses like law, commerce, media at top-tier universities have absurdly overinflated UAIs, so a broader range of criteria could help admit people...
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Galaxy poll in Bennelong says ALP 53-47 LIB, which is a gain of 1% for McKew since the last poll three months ago. Labor primary is 47%. Ouch. ACNeilsen national poll will be in the Fairfax papers tomorrow, which will give the first indication of how the interest rate rise is playing on a...
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    uac - 9 course limit

    Nope. QTAC and VTAC are entirely separate and require separate applications.
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    (What?) God, Yahoo Answers is awesome. There are actually some good questions in there, though. Unfortunately the ones they choose to give Howard to answer will probably be 'do you think that if labour is elected they will put australia into debt again??', 'wat is the hardest decison you had...
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    Ended up picking the stolen generation one. 'Were early policies of Aboriginal child removal in Australia motivated by social concerns about childhood or specifically racial prejudice?' Hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult. How's your primary source exercise going?
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    student strike at APEC

    The progress report will be released publicly and will be one of the most significant political events of this half of the year. It'll be a bad look if he responds to it in a brief press conference halfway around the world.
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    Using a laptop in University exams

    Let's actually answer the question rather than starting the whole special consideration debate up again, shall we? Student Centre website says:
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    student strike at APEC

    Isn't the point of a strike that it disrupts the organisation it's intended to influence? How does pissing off a couple of teachers help defeat the Global Empire of Capitalism?