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  1. M

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: How did you guys go? 4 unit people definitely had an advantage I think. Which is unfair ... but also good cus I do 4 unit...
  2. M

    Year 12 Regrets

    not being in more photos during the year. makes doing a year book page bloody hard
  3. M

    changing civil specialisation 1 or so year in?

    I'm going to most likely do civil structural at syd uni But if after the first or so year, I decide that I don't want to specialise in structural but in something else, is it possible for me to change? If not then I'd do flexible but it seems a bit of a waste of time seeing as I know I'm going...
  4. M

    Year 11 > Year 12

    also remember year 11 is a massive change from year 10. The work is so much more and you go so much faster. Half of year 11 was me trying to adjust to it. Once you get use to it year 11 is so much less stressful
  5. M

    Time goes by too quickly?

    We're doing the voting for house captains like this week. so weird, it seems like 2 weeks ago that they were voting for us.
  6. M

    subject selection regrets..

    I wish I hadn't done IPT. the major work is killing me, it's not even going to count anyway!!!! I'd have done business studies instead.
  7. M

    Year 11 > Year 12

    I found year 11 alot more stressful then year 12 ( so far). I guess in year 11 heaps of people have their stress attacks and then reach year 12 and just want it to be over lol
  8. M

    what is juris doctor?

    Just round the different posts, people go on about a course it a degree?...that is called Juris Doctor. What is it, what does it include and what role does it play? :eek:
  9. M

    worth coming to ANU for law?

    So I'm doing my HSC this year, and since last year I've REALLY wanted to go to ANU for Law. It looks insanely awesome, and I'd love to go if I get in (95UAI). But I'd be going to college, and the costs would be really high with living expenses etc etc. So I was wondering, if for some freak...
  10. M

    2008 HSC Timetable

    my timetable is pretty good English 1- 17th English 2 - 20th Biology - 24th Maths Ext 2 - 27th Maths Ext 1 - 29th IPT - 30th (may drop) Chemistry - 6th Suck that maths ext 2 is before ext 1 cus it means there's all the ext 1 hard stuff before the ext 1 exam
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    Requirement Report

    How many pages is it?
  12. M

    What exactly are Actuarial Studies?

    What are actuarial studies ??? I know that they have something to do with mathematics and money but thats about it!
  13. M

    Novel Techniques?

    I'm doing a novel for one of my written supportive texts. What language techniques could you use for a novel other then the actual story line. cheers
  14. M

    Use a focus text (not mine) as supportive text?

    I'm trying to find some poetry for supportive texts. If I'm not doing Colleridge in my class, does that mean I can pick it for a supportive text even though heaps of students do it as their focus text? cheers guys
  15. M

    Try by Jonas Akerlund

    Anyone doing or have done this text for imaginative journey's? Any notes or help would be greatly appreciated!
  16. M

    What time did you leave?

    I'm just doing IPT now in 2008 (as is obvious from my HSC thing..rite..moving on). so the exam is really that long? and most people leave???
  17. M

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: Uni aspirations. Yeh I can totally understand with the phrases ... as all my friends know as well. It's gone from physcology to police officer to lawyer to fitness person back to police officer and now lawyer again! So ATM, I wanna get over 95 so I can get into ANU Law ... no idea...
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    Going to Melb Uni

    what are new generation degree?
  19. M

    3 quick questions...

    I've become really interested in coming to ANU in the past few weeks ... I live in Sydney so I'd have to find accommodation and obviously I want to get in on the colleges such as Bruce or John Is it pretty much gaurunteed that you'll get into one of the colleges? Even if its not your first or...
  20. M

    what are my chances in undergrad law?

    just a question...people talk about the alternate ways into ANU ... what is EAS??