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  1. M

    why anu?

    So yes I know... I'm sure people have asked this 100 times over... but is canberra really a hole? I'd be at ANU in like a second but although I'm not really a 'party' person ... I still would like some civilisation and life at night. thanks guys
  2. M

    Full Fee Paying Student at Uni

    Do you guys reckon it would be worthit to get into the course you wanted such as law? Heck of alot of money though...
  3. M

    difference between specialisation & differentiation

    B cells differentiate into the certain type of antibody ... wouldn't that be specialisation?? so what exactly is the difference?
  4. M

    Ext 2 maths

    hmm We'll be finishing complex numbers probably about next week ... but we've also dont graphs. we haven't actually done them but our school taught the same level of hardness in graphing in the 3 unit course to everyone... so we dont have to learn most of it anyway :S stupid!
  5. M

    study advice...

    A library is always a good idea BUT sit by urself, and don't hire a computer or laptop or anything. Dont go and get a book to read but sit there. Also set small goals. for example, 'in half an hour I want to have revised the final part of the chapter' and then work towards it. it helps alot :)
  6. M

    advice for maths

    I'm not sure the school really cares about your SC result to be honest. Each school's standard is different, so for mine, if you got a band 5 then that's pretty average in the year. However your school might be different, where a band 5 is seen as an excellent mark. Ask your school to just give...
  7. M

    Do we need to remember everything for SC exams

    In Australian Geography you do. A hint is just before the exam study the main topic. for me it was the tuan bridge or something. My grade for Geography was a C but I got band 6 in the exam. Just cram before and remember facts and it'll get you great marks.
  8. M

    driving test?

    I'm going for my P's on the 9th of November, and then if I fail that (which i wont!) I have another go to get them before the new rules!
  9. M

    Anti-Stress and Relaxation Hobbies

    yeh well obviously, but if u look at what i was quoting, shopping for me isn't the 'ultimate high'...
  10. M

    Anti-Stress and Relaxation Hobbies

    HAHAHAHA yes, absoutely ;) I sometimes wish I was the conventional girl bimbo but logic soon kicks in and realise that I have a brain :) Instead I like other average things girls like ... music ... ps2 ... well maybe the ps2 isn't average but it just means I'm special :wave:
  11. M

    Anti-Stress and Relaxation Hobbies

    What do you guys do to rest and have a break from school work? What would would be good activities to just chill out?
  12. M

    How was your school day?

    Biology: FINALLY some good biology stuff learning about humans!!!!! Bio HSC is gonna be soooo much better then prelim Maths ext 1: just continued on from last term English: talked about the journey's and what it is and what texts we'll be doing etc etc.. apparently we're spending the whole...
  13. M

    HSC year almost here

    I'm looking forward to it but only cus I dont have any exams or assesments that i know of yet lol Yeh go the new books hahaha first time ever in my school life and I think this year was the year to finally do it.
  14. M

    no posting in 2008 HSC forum?

    Sorta self explanatory ... we can't post new threads, or is it just me? :confused:
  15. M

    plz do my survey will take u 2 minutes!

    How old are you? Male/Female 1.How old were you when you had your first alcoholic drink? 15 2. In a regular week how many alcoholic drinks would you have? Mon- 0 Tues-0 Wed-0 Thus-0 Fri-0 Sat-0 Sun-0 3. If you are under 18, how did you get your last alcholic drink? friend...
  16. M

    How are 08's finding their Preliminary Year?

    Yeh year 11 was alrite actually. not many stressful times ... this year has taught me how to manage stress.
  17. M

    how long would it take you

    to re-learn the whole of the maths syllabus, assuming that i could do everything before would probably take me a couple of days of solid study. It's such a bitch having to re-learn stuff though like for the end year examswhere they test you on everything? aaaaaaaaah
  18. M

    what exactly is 'a reading of a novel'?

    I've got this english assignment that says to find a 'reading of the novel you have studied and explain how this reading is supported by the text'. What exactly is a reading? Is it just an anlysis or can it be a movie or something ... any help would be greatly appreciated! :wave:
  19. M

    Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? (merged)

    Re: Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? Physcologist owning my own practice or human rights lawyer backup plan: policewoman (go the saving-people-career paths lol )
  20. M

    so who's doing MX2?

    I could be doing my 12 unit including mx2. then I have a choice that i can drop another subject and just be doing 10 units including mx2. Good in one way cus heaps more time so I will have less chance of doing crap. but bad because if i do crap then I wont be able to not use it. wadda...