Search results

  1. Plebeian

    BOS meet-up

    I'll be there :) If I win an ASP, I might buy a BOS shirt too. So is Fisher the venue?
  2. Plebeian

    Arthur C Clarke

    He was accused of paedophilia by the Sunday Mirror, who are hardly the most reliable of newspapers. The allegations were never proven, I don't think he was ever charged, and BBC News said he was cleared: Anyway, Arthur C. Clarke is my favourite sci-fi author. 3001 is a bit weird, but then so...
  3. Plebeian

    Board of Studies reveals 2004 raw marks

    Not quite ... it's almost no aligning. Even though the raw mark of 42 doesn't get aligned up much, an aligned mark of 42 in Extension History corresponds to a higher scaled mark than most other subjects, and it is UAC scaling that is important in the end (ie. for the UAI).
  4. Plebeian

    Board of Studies reveals 2004 raw marks

    Yeah, that makes sense - in hindsight, the figures in that table are obviously pre-rounding because they're not all whole numbers. Thanks :) I love Catch-22.
  5. Plebeian

    Board of Studies reveals 2004 raw marks

    Greeninsanity is a girl (and a nice one at that :uhhuh: ), but yeah that would be it. Since she got 90 aligned for Ancient, it would seem that the band 6 cutoff was 83. If more people with exact aligned marks like that (70, 80, 90, etc.) get their results, it will really help with...
  6. Plebeian

    Any JFK information? HELP

    You could perhaps also do his early life; although there is a bit of an overlap, it's not too significant.
  7. Plebeian

    How did u go in Extension History?

    48, which is actually the 99th percentile :) I probably should have done a bit more work before the exam, I could have gone in with two full essays for that test but it was my last one and I was sick of the HSC bv then.
  8. Plebeian

    Help with JFK?

    I'm happy to help too, and also got 48.
  9. Plebeian

    need help fixing my topic!

    If you're doing pop-culture, just make sure it stays historiographical ... you need to quote historians, not just writers imo.
  10. Plebeian

    got into a uai 80 course with a 68.5

    If there is less demand, the UAI cutoff will be lower. There is no way of getting into a course if you have a UAI lower than the cutoff (except access schemes and such), because the UAI cutoff is the UAI of the last person who was offered a place. If the UAI is less than last year's cutoff...
  11. Plebeian

    Rumours of changes in the HSC or new HSC altogether???

    Ancient is basically changing to replicate Modern, in terms of creating a core study that everyone does, and then a series of options. I imagine the institution of a core is designed to make marking / aligning easier and fairer. Some of the larger topics (eg. Augustus and the Julio-Claudians)...
  12. Plebeian

    you interested in Engineering?

    Why? A high UAI simply means he gets to pick which course he wants before most other people. That is no reason for him to suddenly change his entire set of interests to do law or something just "because he can". I'm doing BE (probably Mechanical) / BSc (Adv - probably Physics & Nanotech) at...
  13. Plebeian

    East Asian Earthquake

    I am generally a very pro-American person, but a donation from the USA of $45 million, when both the Republican and Democratic parties spent over a billion EACH ( :eek: ) on their presidential election campaigns, is pretty tiny. What basis do you have for saying they wouldn't have had a...
  14. Plebeian

    take a look

    No. Steven12 posted those results on the 17th of December, before UAI's came out. He thought the SAM prediction for his UAI was a little high and was wondering if other people agreed. Unfortunately, no-one got back to him until today, when he had already got his UAI anyway.
  15. Plebeian

    Regret: Should have tried harder

    I regret installing MSN for the first time ever, during stuvac. But meh, I'm not complaining.
  16. Plebeian

    What are you currently Reading?

    I got that for Christmas, but I haven't started reading it yet because I am still finishing Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. I love this book, it is so different to most books I have previously read; it is extremely funny but also contains periodic insights into the nature of war, patriotism and life...
  17. Plebeian

    Getting dragged down

    Because you are ranked first at a worse school? No. It will depend entirely on your own HSC exam performance.
  18. Plebeian

    Getting dragged down

    We're talking about the same person :uhhuh:
  19. Plebeian


    I got the same situation - considering my UAI actually was 99.90 in the end, I thought the mean may have been some trick of Laz's to estimate the changing standards over the years.