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  1. MaryJane

    when will WEBct start working

    I'm in the same boat as everyone else here. My second semester units were up on WebCT last week, and I had access to them, but now they have all disappeared, and have been replaced with my first semester units again. Confused.
  2. MaryJane

    What's it like being a lawyer?

    The Solicitors' at the firm where I work, work hours of 8am - 6/7pm (on a good day). On Friday, we always knock off at 5 because its drinkies time! :D And, from what I've been told, they dont really feel like uni prepared them very well, especially attending court (ie. Court etiquette), and how...
  3. MaryJane

    webct problemo

    The access is denied becaues you are no longer enroled in the unit, so that is normal. When a unit turns up on WebCT is a matter for the convenor; they are the ones who organise the layout, when it is up, when its updated etc etc, so it could just be that your convenor is lazy...
  4. MaryJane

    MQ or UWS

    Re: Just a question about unis Exactly as wheredanton said: each uni is going to offer 'different' experiences, but, in the end, you are either a good student, or a poor student. An employer is more likely to take a law student from Western with HD's, than someone from Sydney with P's. Its like...
  5. MaryJane

    Coop Bookshop

    *points to other thread called Kill Coop*
  6. MaryJane

    Coop Bookshop

    I think the opening hours are on the coop website, just search for MQ. Yes, you still need to buy the texts as an external student. Why would they supply them? You're just like an internal student, just not on campus :p Most readers will be available next week, but not all will be. For...
  7. MaryJane

    Kill Coop!!!

    Ta marchetta, I just did that. But its more the principle... and I dont get it. MyMQ still uses Coop, so why doesnt Coop just leave our textlist on there? :confused: lol Jamie - shaved monkeys :D
  8. MaryJane

    Kill Coop!!!

    Sorry Mike, I had to start a new thread. Those bastards have taken our text list off their site!!!! :burn: Jihad on Coop!!!!
  9. MaryJane

    Transfer Question

    Yes! I've seen that too, it seems there are quite a large number of students who think they are King Shit because they are in Law. You need to find the 'normal' students, who aren't up themselves, and are helpful, and hold study groups together, where most of the time is spent gossiping and...
  10. MaryJane

    Transfer Question

    Why are you giving up on law, Rob? Surely Archana didn't scare you that badly :p Congrats Sally :D
  11. MaryJane

    Conception Day '06!!!!!11

    It's on Sept 15 - the same day I have an assessment worth 40% due. ...And thats the end of my info.
  12. MaryJane

    How to make up cp if you've failed

    Ta, Asy; I just emailed them then. I wonder how long it will take them to do it, because I need a waiver too!! Anne, yeah, I did re-do stat; its easier to understand if I lay it out: Semester 1, 2004: PSY104 ANTH STAT170 - F LAW114 Semester 2, 2004 PSY105 LAW204 SOC180 CUL100 (BUT replaced...
  13. MaryJane


    You are stuck with your COMP1115 mark - you cannot override any mark you get at uni, not even if you repeat the same unit. The only way doing ISYS is going to somewhat compensate for your PC is if you pull a HD/D in 123.
  14. MaryJane

    How to make up cp if you've failed

    So, in first semester, first year, I failed horrible statistics, which means I have to make up the 3cp before I can graduate. But, how do I get eStudent to give me that extra unit? Because I've decided I'd like to do a 300-level psych unit (personality) to make up the 3cp, but the only way I...
  15. MaryJane

    Coop Bookshop

    Oh wow, thanks for the heads up!! This must mean Text in the City has died - because they were the reason why Coop wasn't putting the texts up last semester.
  16. MaryJane

    Casual Paralegal - Commercial Litigation

    I went from being paid just over $15 p/h (immigration work) to $18 where I am now (family law). My boss said, at the interview, that the pay was "only $18", saying he knew it was probably lower than I expected but they "dont rip off [our] clients". I'll never forget that! Moving from a $15p/h...
  17. MaryJane

    My firm is being sued - Defences?

    Re: My Firms Getting Sued And I Have To Come Up With A Defence! This is about the time you quit. Obviously, your firm is somewhat dodgy and below-the-table if they are asking a law student to deal with such litigation matters. I honestly dont have any advice, but I'd be pretty stressed if I...
  18. MaryJane

    Casual Paralegal - Commercial Litigation

    Wow, really? Well, at least you know they must be a reputable firm! Always a good start ;) = Jennifer = hang in there! I know how hard it is to break into admin/office when you're a junior with limited hours :(
  19. MaryJane

    Casual Paralegal - Commercial Litigation

    Just found this on Mac's CareerHub website, and thought a few of you might appreciate the heads-up, especially those of us near the end of our degree, and are sick of being an office shit-kicker... be a glorified one instead ;) Casual Paralegal - Commercial Litigation Employer: Sparke...
  20. MaryJane

    Transfer Question

    I wouldnt change units until you get that official letter, and eStudent lets you enrol in psych subjects. Its a pretty popular degree, with quite a high quota, both in internal transfers, and external transfers (ie. people transferring from other uni's to MQ). Therefore, there is always a...