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  1. drewgcn

    Chemistry Or Physics

    I was wondering that. Still in preliminary course I must admit, but I was so ripped off by all the people saying "oh physics is just like maths so hard you'll feint fainting" etc. etc... What's the difficult math sections in physics?
  2. drewgcn

    Australian Schools Computer Skills Competition

    woah, everyones starting to post their marks and you're still studying for the exam. ah well, you'll do fine.
  3. drewgcn

    IPT Trial Results

    He won't get scaled up but he will get aligned up. (Basically, aligned marks equate to the marks you get from the board of studies. They probably don't want to make everyone feel bad, as practically nobody fails on paper, though plenty will fail the exam itself. Contrastly, scaled marks are...
  4. drewgcn

    Australian Schools Computer Skills Competition

    Huzzah. I got a high distinction :D I got the last question wrong...wondering what it was. Anyone got a linkage (or copy) of the exam booklet by chance? How'd everyone go? Why so? :confused:
  5. drewgcn

    2005 IPT Trial Paper Discussion

    Ah poor lwaxana, when she spends free time typing up answers to everyone's questions they're all dedicating their flash drives and whatnot to her legacy, and then when she asks people not to discuss exams for a short while they're all like "No! We can do what we like YOU CANT MAKE ME!" Ahem...
  6. drewgcn

    CSSA Trial 2005

    If you had no way of learning it, then wouldn't that mean that everyone else in your class also would not possibly have answered it correctly, and you're not disadvantaged at all then? Also, have you looked at the syllabus? It's an outline of topics to learn, not a description of every minute...
  7. drewgcn

    2005 IPT Trial Paper Discussion

    What's dithering? Never heard of that.
  8. drewgcn

    SDD Major Project Ideas

    If you had a thousand monkeys, on a thousand typewriters...
  9. drewgcn

    UNSW ProgComp 2005

    Just get two people to join if you cant. Tell them they can surf the net and get out of school or something. I remember I did this in year 9 with two friends, we all were okay for our grade. The thing was though, we never got our results back. We attempted 3 problems and correctly solved...
  10. drewgcn


    The funny part is this is basically the only thread created this year :). This is definitely, definitely, the most unpopular option.
  11. drewgcn

    Useless IPT Question

    Seriously? You expected someone to do that for you? You have to be taking the mickey here.
  12. drewgcn

    Gay Marriage Legalised in Spain

    Well, considering the definition of a marriage is a "legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife", I don't see why it needs to be classified as a "marriage", rather a civil union. Otherwise, couldn't I argue that I should be allowed to marry my cat?
  13. drewgcn


    v. nice program. One thing I was wondering though, is it true that you can get a UAI of 67 by getting 90 in two subjects and 0 in the remaining 6 units? And then getting 61 in 10 units gets a lower UAI of 60?
  14. drewgcn

    Is your IPT trial going to be all topics?

    hehe, I'm not that "drewgon" irc-guy remember :o And yeah, my Automated notes are here, feel free I'd upload my others but there seems to be a plethora available already.
  15. drewgcn

    Information Processes and Technology 2004 Independent Trial Exam-Multiple Choice

    Whaoh, this is the trial hsc exam we got last year (except I'm fairly sure the teachers changed the answers to the bit/baud rate question to something considerably simpler). Ah memories.
  16. drewgcn

    ENG EXT: Need some appropriations of Frankenstein

    Bladerunner: older, better IRobot.
  17. drewgcn

    SDD project Don't steal though.
  18. drewgcn

    Related texts

    I knew I'd find this thread here sammy...
  19. drewgcn

    IPT tectbook

    I found the Cambridge very dry, boring and difficult to follow. Jacaranda is fairly good, especially for Automated Manufacturing. IMO Jacaranda has the best exercises, but Heinemann has the best content (in terms of layout, clarity, depth). Although to be honest I only borrowed the others for...
  20. drewgcn

    Christian and islamic Views of Fornication

    Surely this is very easy to find with a bit of research.