All of our awards are based on HSC results, so Dux goes to the person with the highest UAI and subject prizes go to those who get the best HSC aggregate mark for each subject. Our presentation night is in March as a result, so all the Year 12 prizewinners come back - it works pretty well...
If you watched the interview something that she stressed was not "I hate Asians and Aboriginals" (although this may have been her view in the past). It was that we need to recognise that Aboriginal communities have serious problems. At the moment, no-one is confronting these problems because if...
Good effort; if you can get 100% in your trial, why are you only ranked second? Was it marked a little easy? I'd imagine two people who can top the state (technically, if you can get 100%, that's what you can do) being in the same class is pretty rare. Well done anyway though!
You should have locked the poll while Rome was in front! ;)
Rome is the superior power - it conquered all those other societies (although of course military strength is not the sole factor in determining a society's greatness).
Most people are probably willing to help out with specific questions, but it's hard to help someone who says, "I don't know anything, teach me the whole course"... :(
I don't know if anyone's interested but my major work is now on the internet... it got full marks so have a look if you want.
I don't think there are enough posts to bother splitting it up. The Core sub-board in the Modern History section has a grand total of 4 threads and 32 posts; people are probably just not using it, even though it is there.
Also, I have nothing against Magister but a mod needs to be not just...
I think eling was talking about the major work here, which you do get a choice in, as silvermoon said.
Also, people that are referring to the "philosophy" of history are correct I suppose, but they're making it sound a bit boring and waffly. The first section is basically about different...
If you are doing postmodernism, it is fairly similar (poststructuralism being the precursor to postmodernism, in historiography at least).
Basically it's centred around some theorists (Derrida is one I think) who suggest that meaning is put into words (ie. structures of language) by the...