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  1. gordo

    What mark would I be looking at

    whats the capital of touvalu
  2. gordo


    lol i only just noticed wen the shark swam quickly across the screen wen u saw the marking on its tale was sawyer in the water cause u can clearly see the outline of a person, was it sawyer or is it the camera man or something, cause the shark sawm across so quickly
  3. gordo


  4. gordo

    A poll!!

    alex the kid was the best game ever on sega
  5. gordo

    A poll!!

    wheres the super nintendo option and sad to say, the original nintendo option :)
  6. gordo

    BOS English Premier League Fantasy Soccer/Football League

    63 point week for me
  7. gordo

    What are chromosomes made from...

    nucleic acid makes up dna
  8. gordo

    Physics 2004 HSC Exam

    out of interest wat was the answer for the induction coil breaks on the train something like that in the mc i remember a big argument on BOS after the exam
  9. gordo


    ommmmmmggggggggggggggg LOST will go down as the best show in tv history just watched ep2, it was amazing did anyone else see the hexagon logo thats on everything on the sharks tale wwtttffff is going on, lost is the best, the best so many theories so much stuff going on best
  10. gordo

    VSU petition

    haha u have to give incentive for ppl to sign it haven't the faggots who started making petitions to get their geography teacher fired in yr 9 and are still making them now worked out that there futility
  11. gordo


    IMO your opionion is shit
  12. gordo

    Year 12 PiCS

    u've put your pic up before y is everyone so surprised?
  13. gordo

    Msn Messenger

    cause msn is down shit happens
  14. gordo


    well in the preivews for the ep tommorw airforce one had crash into the ground it would just be stupid if the president survived, but there would be some very sensitive documents on board
  15. gordo

    Blasts rip through Bali again

    doesn;t islam have a leader like the pope who can tell these morons they are morons
  16. gordo

    The Quest

    the world blew up
  17. gordo

    11 months prison for hacking hilton's phone

    eminems mobile number thats the coolest
  18. gordo

    einstein plank

    you're lacking in the sense of humour department
  19. gordo

    Sickness and studying?

    i think that just came out your plug hole
  20. gordo

    Anyone else?

    yeh i thought it was much easier to do the physics problems with the stuff u learn in maths