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  1. llamalope

    what TYPE of show do you hate the most?

    Since 7th sign hates all the new medical shows, I wondered what type of show do you hate? Soap opera? sitcom? Cop shows? Me, personally I can't stand cop shows/ brittish murder mysteries especially the Inspector Lindley mysteries. Grandpa likes this show, and mum and I just sit there...
  2. llamalope

    Plastic Surgery

    breast implants and liposculpture on my inner thighs but that wouldn't fix self esteem issues. So I will just have to learn to love my thighs
  3. llamalope

    Skinny Jeans

    ahhhh well, you're damned if you do, and your damned if you dont. I give up. I was meant to wear skirts for the rest of my life. peace to you all who put up with my ranting. You know I love you, even if it is not reciprocated. I'm just tired. Sorry to make you all cranky. PLEASE FORGIVE...
  4. llamalope

    the OC

    I started watching The Rivals tonight.... but I couldn't force myself to finish it. That episode was a low point for me. I wanted to kill everyone... Ryan for being so gung-ho, Marissa for being so naieve, Oliver for being such a bastard (f*** I hate him so much), Seth , summer luke and anna for...
  5. llamalope

    Skinny Jeans

    thats alright. I'm just grumpy. Anybody know how to lose muscle? apart from not moving for 6 months?
  6. llamalope

    Skinny Jeans

    yess you're right.. I didn't mean it like that... I mean, because I'm a dancer, I have pronounced thigh muscles, developped from years of holding my leg next to my ear. therefore skinny jeans look shit on me I neawrly cried when I looked in the mirror
  7. llamalope

    the OC

    Isn't it starting on the 8th of september?
  8. llamalope

    the OC

    as characters... I hated them both
  9. llamalope

    Skinny Jeans

    dah-ling... you probably don't have over developped thigh muscles.... be thankful
  10. llamalope

    the OC

    While We're on the subject of Oliver, watched The Links. Oliver is such a bastard, I just want to jump down the tv and kill him. I understand why Marissa is trying to help and protect him, but I just want to shake her and say "Stop it you stupid girl!!!! Can't you see he's a horny nutcase????"...
  11. llamalope

    Skinny Jeans

    that's the kind of shop I like... If I'm going to buy clothes, I don't want them to be a small make, so I have to go up three sizes before I can find ones that fit. I would be happy to spend more money in a shop where the clothes weren't so ridiculously small
  12. llamalope

    Skinny Jeans

    Now I know why I hate skinny jeans. I decided to try and understand what all the fuss was about, so I went and tried on two pairs of skinny jeans. The black lee ones, and some green lee riders that i liked the colour of. I thought... well, these are bound to be tight, so I tried on a size 11...
  13. llamalope

    Good and not so good features

    noses are red when the weather is blue and if you're not careful you'll keep saying AHHHCHOOOO! hahahahahahah.... you can tell I've had too much chocolate today
  14. llamalope

    things to do in melbourne???

    they're called fairy penguins.... do you mean mornington penninsula? Oh and if you go around xmas.... catch the free 'Santa Tram"....absolutely hillarious I love melbourne :D
  15. llamalope

    Update me on VSU

    Did anybody go on the protest today? I was otherwise detained, so I couldn't go... what happened? I heard 2 people got arrested... I'd laugh if one of them was Rose Jackson
  16. llamalope

    the OC

    I have it on my desktop, but the file's too big to attach on BOS.... yes, I agree the promo is fantastic.... but, if you don't want to be disappointed, don't go to any of those spoiler sites... like'm warning you....
  17. llamalope

    questions about deferring

    who are the SIO, and where can i find them?
  18. llamalope

    Re-O Day

    we're organising lunchtime classes.... as ar as I'm aware (and I'm running for vice president) our latest class finishes at 5:00
  19. llamalope

    Good and not so good features

    Well.... today I saw a very disturbing site.... every second girl at sydney uni was a size 6 today, and their skinny leg jeans were loose on them. Their legs were about two of my arms together... I was actually very disturbed. While I am trying to lose weight, I would never want to look like...
  20. llamalope

    things to do in melbourne???

    hmmm I forgot... take some of the guided tours, or do it yourself eg. Puffing Billy up to the dandenongs day trip to the 12 (now 9, I think) apostles there are heaps of brochures in all the hotels