I do engineering but interested in media.
internal program transfer date passed so I can no longer change to media.
But what if I did the subjects that are from media and complete those subjects while still in engineering program.
Will I be able to technically move onto a second year of...
It seems like only "Media, Culture and Technology" can be combined with engineering... is media production not possible to be combined ?
or sound and screen **
On that noticeboard near the Arc store, students put what books they're selling.
How do you list your books up there ??
Also, can I sell my breadboard there also ? lol
I cant see my mid-sem exam mark from the CSE site ://...
I clicked view marks, logged in, click view my marks... but I don't see anything related to the exam.
What's the difference???
I lost my calculator and I have to buy a new one and ES is cheaper.
I go to UNSW so I don't know which calculators are forbidden. what's the difference between these two calculators ?
I honestly find Physics to be the hardest subject I'm doing now... HSC physics was pretty easy but now it's no fun and games.
The lecturer is going too fast with the explanation and I don't even know what I'm looking at the lecture slides... I can barely do the homework sets without looking at...
I did 3 quizzes today (introductory, how maple works and calculus first set)..
I click grade and saw my result but couldn't see my results when I closed the window... which means I could reattempt the same quiz over and over again (which I did for calculus and got 100% on the second attempt..)...
What do I do for Lab when I didn't attend any lectures for phy1131?
This is because I changed my timetable yesterday and swapped to phy1131... Did phy1121 and phy1131 students learn the same thing?
I am doing flexible first year and PHY1121 this year.
But I heard that some courses such as Photovoltaic or Electrical can't be chosen in the second year if I haven't studied PHY1131...
is this true??? what is the point of flexible first year then ==;;;
We havent even learned anything and Im already finding the subject difficult....
I didnt do 4 unit and the lecturer was rushing complex numbers and I didnt get anything he said... gawd im panicking.
Is there an easier math than math1131 ==;;
Okay, I know I ask a lot of this... but I just want to tell whoever I need to tell that I have got a booking for my citizenship ceremony...
but I have no idea who to tell it to... where do I go ?
How do you prepare yourself??
I have a laboratory as my first class... What do I need to bring for:
Lectures ??
Also, do I just go into the designated room and get straight into the work ?
Course: Flexible first year engineering
Subjects: ENG1000, ENG1181, MATH1131, PHY1121
After 4 months from HSC, I forgot almost everything in Physics or Ext 1 math.... I can remember which topics we did but I hardly remember the contents in those topics D:
Am I gonna die ==;