The exam was easy, but there definetly was not enough time!!! I did not quite finish the paper. If I had a little longer I rekon I could have aced that test and got well into the high 90s.
Apart from pens, pencils and the usual stationary... what can you take into the exam?
Someone told me I should take a bottle of water and a few snacks...are we allowed to take snacks in? and if so are they allowed on the table?
I am fine with intergrating texts and am not getting things muddled up... its just I find things flow better between texts, but some of the points i raise are not in chronological order of the texts.
I believe the BOS make books which you can buy with answers to past hsc questions.
but I doubt that Industrial Tech would be included. It seems that everywhere you go (library, book store) they have every subject excluding IT Timber.
2 hours since I first tried to get onto the site and it still won't load!
How come others can get on (even if it is slow) yet I can not even get onto the site for over 2 hours!??
I have been trying to get onto the board of studies website and have been unable. The page says it is loading and 15 minutes later it still hasnt loaded.
Is the website down or what!!!!?
I have been working and touching up my essay for module a - comparative study.
I was wondering is it ok for your essay to not follow chronological order completely. Obviously the start and end of the texts come at the start and end of my essay.
The reason I say this is because I am...
What I mean is...
If I was to choose art as a subject but wanted to focus on photography and my major project was photography, Would I then have to learn about famous artists and artistic techniques or would I simply learn about photography, famous photographers and photographic techniques...
If I do art as a HSC subject and majored in photography, would i still have to learn about famous artists, history of art and art in general?
Also is Art a Catergory A or B Subject?
Was just wondering is Design & Technology a Cat A or B subject?
I know that Industrial Technology is a Cat B subject which means that when your UAI is determined they only count your best ONE cat B subject.
I know we need to know and have studied all 8 of the Immigrant Chronical poems by Peter Skrzynecki, but how many do we need to know in details and talk about in our essay or hsc response?
In the past how many of the poems have they expected you to write on?
Nothing wrong with going out the weekend before your exams... in fact i think thats a good dam time to be going out and having fun, as long as you have really studied hard before hand. If you haven't then you should reconsider!
Maybe getting wasted isn't quite the best idea! :P
You will feel...