Hey guys, my name is Patrick and I completed the HSC in 2013 achieving a band 6 in 2U and E4s for both 3U and 4U. Reiterating: I'm a third year Advanced Maths/Comp Sci student studying at UNSW and I offer private one-on-one tutoring for 2U and 3U.
To give you more confidence when doing...
$ For integers $ x$ and $ y,$ show that $7|x^2 + y^2$ if and only if $7|x$ and $7|y
I'm going to prove this, omitting lots of words and formality
If 7|x^2 + y^2, then there exists a positive integer M such that
x^2 + y^2 = 7M
\frac{x^2}{7} + \frac{y^2}{7} = M
Since M in an integer, then...
So on myUNSW -> Commonwealth Gov Forms -> SA help -> SA-help applied for.... (this is what is says on mine)
Does that mean im under SA-help?
Hi, can someone please check my working out? :)
With g : R -> R defined by g(x) = x3 - x + 1
a) What is the range of f?
b) Is f onto? Explain.
c) Is f one-to-one? Explain.
My working: let E mean 'is an element of'
a) (-∞, ∞)
Method 1: Draw x3 - x and shift it 1 unit up. Looking at the...
A/Prof.Doust's Notes (Tu 10 and Th 9)
Prof.Schief's Notes (Tu 17 and We 16)
What does Tu 10 and Th 9 mean? (tuesday 10 and thursday 9? the heck..)
"Bring the notes for your lecturer to class! Note that some timetables may not have the correct lecturer listed for your lecture times. The...
We should've gotten an email from Dennis Trenerry:
"The Topic 1 Lecture Notes are now available on Moodle.
Please read the information about how they are used and download/print the Lecture Notes before the first lecture."
When I went onto moodle and clicked on MATH1081 blah blah blah
My birth certificate is getting fixed and will be taking 5 weeks - this is my main form of identification. Till then, I will not be able to get my driver's license.
What will happen to me?
Which buses are free from central station (eddy avenue) to UNSW?
Another question: from UNSW, I sat at a bus stop somewhere along High Street and went into the M10 bus, I saw some students go in without using their bus ticket....have I wasted slots on my bus ticket?
Is PHYS1121 hard? (in your opinion)
Will I suffer if I have no HSC/prelim physics background knowledge? (currently reading through preliminary physics notes and finding concepts to understand - looking fine at the moment)
What are bridging courses like? Do they just teach the same thing...
I want to major in advanced stats
I currently have:
-Discrete math (1081)
-Higher math 1A (1141)
-Math 1A (1131)
What should i pick for my last course?
The quantitative risk major seems nice, can I pick any subjects, get sufficient WAM and then ask permission to get into this major?
Just as an example if a human has changed their mind on what they want to study
For main rounds they put down Bachelor of X and now they want to do Bachelor of Y
Can they decline B.X and try out for future rounds to get an offer for B.Y?
hey guys, im thinking of doing bachelor of science (advanced) at UNSW but i want some information on the majors available
mathematics major: what can i get out of it? becoming a teacher?
statistics major: what can i get out of it?
the rest: majors like biochemistry, microbiology, etc, will i...
What is the difference between economics in BCom and HSC economics?
like microeconomics and macroecnomics
do u learnt the same thing?
even remembering statistics?
hey, where can i find information on the process of transferring into medicine at UNSW/USYD? (links would be perfect)
i read that UNSW favours people transferring from their med sci course from an old BoS thread, but i dont know the details
thanks, much appreciated