Yes, but then again they allready know all this stuff back to back... that's why they're making the exams.... but I wish we could dumb-ify them or something then make them sit the test... dumb-ify is a dumb word.... damn!
Not really, I'm still keeping up good hygene... maybe bcause my exams are pretty spaced out.... Except I seem to be washing my hair less... need to fix that...
I do that too, argh if I don't I'll take up too much time in one section and then stuff up everything else... looking at the time makes me more careful of what I'm writing.
There was like one person always coughing.... every five minutes... all through both english papers... and the speakers started to make squeeling noises too...
On another note, doing a PIP topic that is very very common will also make the marking more difficult on the topic I believe...
Pretty much one student in the majority of S&C classes has chosen to do mobile phones and society, the attraction to fast food and it's link to obesity, reality tv...