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  1. H

    Who did BOX + 2 Triangles + p + q question?

    Thats what i got as well.... As i was doing that in the exam, i was praying that i would not make a silly mistake.
  2. H

    comparative "hardness"

    I think this was probably harder than any of the past HSC's in the last few years.
  3. H

    comparative "hardness"

    I think this exam was much easier in comparison of the last two years...
  4. H

    "Alternative" ME2 Exam Paper

    That is hilarious... Im going to send it to all my friends hehehe
  5. H

    Am I The Only One Who Found That Hard??!

    That was hard.............
  6. H

    Looking back...

    I would prefer a period. I never liked learning about a society.
  7. H

    Well done everyone

    I would agree with Wiggum. This year's test, in my opinion, is a lot easier than last years or the year before.
  8. H

    Not studying ecos till after my modernhistory exam!

    And the problem is... Is anyone actually going to use the time effectively or be like me and study only in the last day?
  9. H

    Greek World 500-440

    Thats what everybody in my class did as well. I think im the only one who did Aristides and Cimon... crappy.
  10. H

    section 3 greek world

    did anybody do Aristides and Cimon? so far i only know of me who did them...
  11. H

    Greek World 500-440

    The lack of response is starting to make me nervous.
  12. H

    Module A - In the Wild

    I did this question last in the paper, and i got thoroughly confused because of it. I did shit in this section, im hoping for a 10/20 :(
  13. H

    Greek World 500-440

    Im just wondering, did anybody do the question on Aristidies and Cimon? So far im the only one who did that question in my class and it doesn't look good.... :(
  14. H

    Ancient Exam Thoughts....

    I thought the exam was way too easy and basic... I think the trials were a little more fairer. Which is quite bad, since the scaling will probably be bad this year then . -_-
  15. H

    Who needs to wear school uniform to the exams ?

    We have to wear our uniform... If we dont come in uniform, they send us home to change, regardless of HSC.
  16. H

    after ancient exam

    I think ill offer sacrifice to the divine Augustus before the exam begins, and also to Minerva,
  17. H

    Will u get marks off for not writing about sept 11 in that poem?

    I discussed all the techinques but i missed out on the simplest thing of all... what kind of change it was.
  18. H

    HOW does one fail the HSC?

    Where is your local?
  19. H

    is it true if u failed english, u will get lower than 50uai?

    Remember though that the 2 units of english is always counted, no matter what the mark is.
  20. H

    How is everyone going?

    And whether you know how to bullshit on the bad questions.