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  1. Taskan

    how many pages per section?

    4,4,4. but i get 10-12 words in a line
  2. Taskan

    Now that English is over..

    legal and chem
  3. Taskan

    UAI's, is anyones bellow 90?

    aim: 85, but i only need 83, and have contingencies down to 60
  4. Taskan

    Does anyone else do all of these subjects?

    I do Advanced english...... but thats it
  5. Taskan

    08 HSC Students - Are you 18 yet or not?

    18 as of June... next year- pretty sure i'm the youngest person in my year
  6. Taskan

    wat was ur avg UAI in ur school?

    school ranking just past 110, but i know its better than110, dux last yr got 99, something, no idea about median
  7. Taskan

    Anyone Over It?

    hell yeah, i'm over it, and my motivation levels have been dropping with english coming up, god i hate that subject
  8. Taskan

    What would you do different?

    1. actually do some work 2. do some study, as in like 1 hr a day even, looking back at all the time i wasted...
  9. Taskan

    Graduation Discussion

    Re: Graduation Day Tomorrow- full school uniform
  10. Taskan

    Favourite Character?

    Edmond Dantes- the Count of Monte Cristo (Book) and James Bond (books and movies)
  11. Taskan

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: What is ua last HSC exam and when is it? Chem- 6th Nov. 5 days to study for it- yay!
  12. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    Moonraker- Ian Fleming
  13. Taskan

    favourite quotes?

    ” Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.” Van Wilder "Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right." - Isaac Asimov “The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of...
  14. Taskan

    option topics (chem and phy)

    industrial chemistry
  15. Taskan

    What are some funny teacher's comments you've recieved on an exam paper?

    I was writing an essay about frontline, and discussing the psychology...student, in "the siege", and i wrote something like: this may not seem like a credible expert... the marker drew a line to the side of the page, where they wrote "Too Carnal" i just find it funny because i can't figure...
  16. Taskan

    Thoughts on Chemistry CSSA paper

    i got 72%, thought it was quite tough, but fair
  17. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    Live and Let Die- Ian Fleming
  18. Taskan

    Favourite word(s)

    Main Entry: vamp Function: noun Etymology: short for vampire Date: circa 1911 : a woman who uses her charm or wiles to seduce and exploit men — vamp·ish Listen to the pronunciation of vampish \ˈvam-pish\ adjective
  19. Taskan

    Thoughts on Paper 1 of the CSSA Trial Exam

    i stuffed up my timing, so i didn't write as much as i would've liked for some bits, but i thought it was relatively painless
  20. Taskan

    Favourite word(s)
