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  1. starrysky


    Yeah supposedly my BMI's dangerously low or some shit. And yet, I don't care. :) I wake up every day and I can function normally, so meh. It's like I got bitten on the arse by the generalised Asian gene for skinniness. Bitten particularly hard.
  2. starrysky


    I lost one kilogram. Damn. Only down to 41 now ...
  3. starrysky

    HSC Advice Line

    I'll be having all questions written down. I'm going through all my Bio notes and listing the dot points I don't have, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, so they can feed me the shit I don't have and refresh my memory on stuff that I do. I'll probably just wing it for Business, though.
  4. starrysky

    HSC Advice Line

    Massive lol @ her. :p How funnn, ahah. My English teacher is ancient. She froths at the mouth over Antony & Cleopatra, whatthefuck. Ehh. I think I'll actually call just for English Advanced, Biology, and maybe Business Studies. Maths is just practice practice practice, and EE1's fineeee...
  5. starrysky

    The Department Says Relax

    Lol no. Korean drama Full House, although now for some reason, I'm thinking their related. What the fuck. Anyway. Hurrah! English! Care to venture on MSN? lolololol. -switches to Gladiator-
  6. starrysky

    The Department Says Relax

    :p Eh. For some reason I'm relaxed now, but that's only because I'm finishing up my journeys essay. When I begin tackling powerplay and transformations, I'll count how many hairs I rip out and tell you all. Has anyone turned to music in order to relax? I'm finding myself increasingly listening...
  7. starrysky

    The Department Says Relax

    I like you already. If, by some miraculous occurrence between now and Paper 1, I score one million dollars, I would rather save it and bitch to relax than go to some spa. What the fuck.
  8. starrysky

    HSC Advice Line

    Because she's taught all levels of English throughout her career, so she can tear my essays new orifices and I won't kill her for it. My current Advanced teacher, though ... now that's another story. -writes on hand- Must. Call. At. 4. Or some obscure hour of the evening before 10.
  9. starrysky

    The Department Says Relax

    -sniff- Your sig reminds me that I need to find Full House episodes ... I've yet to start watching it but it sounds bloody fantastic. On a more on-topic note - ten(ish) days to go. If anyone here is relaxed, please, do lend us your ears while we panic.
  10. starrysky

    HSC Advice Line

    I remain grossly misinformed about many things. -nods-
  11. starrysky

    HSC Advice Line

    Lol. I don't know what I'm going to say to them, but at this stage I'm going to call them AND email some of the English faculty at my school so I can get a wider range of feedback. And if they happen to tear my essays a new arsehole in the process, then I'm fucked. :D I think I'll call at...
  12. starrysky

    HSC Advice Line

    I plan on calling them for every subject. Particularly English Advanced. And see exactly what happens.
  13. starrysky

    Numbe of words in 40 minutes

    With one related text, my AoS essay is only around 1,050 words. I'm hoping they only ask for one related so I can spend more time on the other sections. My trial AoS essay was 1,100 words in 45 minutes, so it's not too bad.
  14. starrysky

    Illnesses, injuries, breakages.. what have you got/had??

    Insomnia, cut myself on the edge of a tile in the shower when I was three and had to get stitches, and so far this year, seven cases of shin splints. Maybe I should stop dancing and concentrate more on academics. Heh.
  15. starrysky

    What have you eaten today?

    Breakfast was toast with jam and butter, plus a few lychees. Lunch was a large fries, 30 McNuggets and a soft-serve cone from McDonalds. And since then, I've eaten two Roll-Ups, half a packet of Tim Tams and one lychee.
  16. starrysky

    English study help

    Firstly, this should be in the English forum ... whichever level of English you're doing. Tip: Don't try remembering whole essays, it's a worthless pursuit for most (EDIT: Except for Tanjin, but she's just too cool for school, that one, as she has indicated in the reply above this one), because...
  17. starrysky

    what does it take to get a UAI of 100?

    99.99 ain't possible, hun. Lol. 99.95?
  18. starrysky

    Too late too change?

    Have a sound knowledge of both, in case one fits the question perfectly and the other doesn't. I'm having the same problem with Frost's poem - you can't really go very in-depth about something like inner journeys as opposed to physical. Ehh. Anyway. It also depends on the kind of journey you're...
  19. starrysky

    The Department Says Relax

    I hear through 'connections' that people at James Ruse seem to average 10 to 14 or something. O_O I still need to sort out my notes into piles based on subjects. Maybe that'd help me to 'relax' a little more ...
  20. starrysky

    UAI Prediction?

    Note: Assessment marks (except English Extensions) are estimated. Assessment marks: English Extension 2 - 40/50 English Extension 1 - 41/50 English Advanced - 60 - 65 Mathematics - 55 - 60 Biology - 65 - 70 Business Studies - 60 - 65 Ranks: English Extension 2 - 1/2 English Extension 1 - 1/5...