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  1. M

    Official HSC 2015 Examination Dates

    English Adv 1 monday 12th october 10:20am-12:30pm Biology monday 19th october 09:25am-12:30pm Mathematics wednesday 21st october 1:55pm-5:00pm Chemistry friday 23rd october 09:25am-12:30pm Business Studies wednesday28th october 09:25am-12:30pm Textiles And Design...
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    is anyone doing William Butler Yeats for module B?

    i have notes from school and analysis of each of the poems. i also have a band 6 essay about one of Yeats poems if you want. just PM me your email and i'ss send it to you, :D good luck in english
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    how to write a strong thesis

    thankyou, you really helped
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    how to write a strong thesis

    the questions is: in your veiw, how does Yeats' portrayal of the complex nature of inspiration contribute to the enduring value of his poetry my intro for this was: yeats' in many of his poems uses the inspiration he finds in the complex nature and beauty of his surrounding to find a deeper...
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    is anyone doing William Butler Yeats for module B?

    oh my God, our teacher made us do the same thing as well:spin: my questions are: 1. to what extent has the composer achieved his purpose 2. in your view, how does Yeats' portrayal of the complex nature of inspiration contribute to his enduring value of his poetry 3. how does the last stanza...
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    how to write a strong thesis

    hi, my teacher keeps telling me my thesis is not strong enough so i would like to know, what makes a strong thesis? also how do you link you r paragraph back to the thesis.
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    is anyone doing William Butler Yeats for module B?

    hi everyone,:smile: just wondering if anyone else is doing WB yeats cause i dont see a lot of posts about him
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    should i drop maths?

    i am currently doing 2 unit maths but it is my worst subject and i want to drop it. i got 37% in my topic test and came second last. i really want to drop it because it is my worse subject and even if i continue it it probably wont even cout towards my atar as they only take your top 5 subjects...
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    question about distance ed

    me and another girl are doing chemistry through distance ed and i was wondering if our ranks would be combined with the rest of the distance ed school or just between us two
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    Does your homework take up most of your study/revision time?

    the same for chemistry. most of my study time is taken up with that because its such a demanding course
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    does school affect atar, my school is so stupid

    is the maths in focus book bad or something, should i get a different book?
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    does school affect atar, my school is so stupid

    honestly my school is so dumb, the highest Atar from two years ago was like 85, not even in the nineties! but does school ranking affect atar, cause i heard a kid who went to a bad school got 80s in his assessment mark but then got a 39 atar,apparently because his school was ranked so low. so...
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    How was your first day at school?

    hadn't even entered the gates and i already hated going back to school
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    FREE notes on 'Romulus', 'Dickinson', 'Crucible', 'AYLI', 'Immigrant Chronicle'!!

    Re: FREE notes on 'Romul.', 'Dickinson', 'Crucib.', 'AYLI', 'Immigrant C.' 'Frank|Bla hi, i know im really late but could i have the crucible notes
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    Does anyone in here go to Alexandria Park Community School?

    my neighbour goes there, did he's HSC this year and got 98.3
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    any career path for chemistry

    hey everyone~:spin: i want to do a career which is chemistry based. i wanted to do pharmacy but there is so much negativity in that so i was wondering if there was anyother chemistry based job where you do research or stuff like that. thankyou for your responses
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    A few question about getting into pharmacy at usyd :)

    sorry if im bothering you and i know it is a really late reply but i saw this thread about pharmacy and i want to know if you got a job in that career path. i really want to do pharmacy as well but ive been hearing bad things about it and how its saturated and the pay is bad ect would you still...
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    is pharmacy a good career path

    what about clinical pharmacy or community pharmacy. if not is there any other job where you do medical type of research, if not my second choice was maybe a engineer or teacher
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    is pharmacy a good career path

    i've heard some really bad things about the pharmacy career path but i was really hoping of doing it as i am interested in the subject. but i heard that there are no jobs in this industry and the degree isnt worth anything. so should i still aim to do pharmacy or change my goals