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Search results

  1. I

    Prisoner To Parents 'Love'.

    Well I'm truly not allowed to do ANYTHING I want. Honestly. My parents list of no no's goes as follows: No drinking No drugs No boyfriends No going anywhere wthout prior permission No sleep overs No driving in cars with certain people No holidays with friends No doing anything you want to do...
  2. I

    Where Do You Source Your News From?

    Just curious, what's yor preferred Newspaper/TV News (commercial or pay TV)/Website/other medium ?
  3. I

    Wall Of Fame Thread

    Yeah ok, What are your beauty loves? Joico Shampoo + Conditioner - When my hair is being a bitch there is always some shampoo in the range that (usually) fixes it, they smell good, and don't leave a buildup. Rimmel Bronzing Powder - Is cheap, is good. St Ives Body Wash - I have hell...
  4. I

    Relaxed Hair

    Anyone had their hair "Relaxed" is it any diferent to chemical strightening? Does it wreck your hair? Were you happy with it? Basically I've decided I must get SOMETHING done, hair cuts no longer suffice. My hair is a total shit lately, its curly but for the lat few months its been...
  5. I

    Soggy Cereal

    Yay or Nay? Personally I looooove it, and this seems to repulse everyone who has witnessed me putting my cereal in the microwave. My resoning is when its soggy and warm it's just the perfect soothing morning meal, no chewing, no loud crunching, no horrible chilly coldness. Mornings are...
  6. I

    Official 'Wall of Shame' Thread.

    What beauty products do you advise your fellow BOSers against AT ALL COSTS!? Personally I'm sick of buying products with a decent rep which I am constantly dissapointed about and left wondering "whyyy didn't someone warn me!?" Recent purchases that have inspired this thread are...
  7. I

    Accomodation - Help.

    Well my flatmate to be bailed on me as her uni plans kindof fell through (long annoying story) anyway as a result I once again have no one to share with me. I've tried putting adds at the housing offices of all the major Sydney uni's, but it seems no one is interested. This sucks as I can't...
  8. I

    Salsa Dancing

    So, I'm going salsa dancing.. what would the correct attire be? Do you dress sassy in a dress and high high heels... Or dress in something you know you won't fall over in, considering you know you're unco as all fuck.
  9. I

    How Far Would You Go...?

    ... for a friend that is. Nothing sexual here, just wondering what seemingly moral boundaries would you cross for the sake of a friend. And lets say you in no way are harmed, and it's only your consceince stopping you, Would you: Lie to protect them? Lie to help them for their own gain...
  10. I

    Sing a song for me... f***er.

    Ok, So one of my friends said the most romantic thing a guy could ever do for her was write a song about her. And it got me thinking, what songs WOULDN'T you wan't to have been written about you Off the top of my head: Hyper Music - MUSE : Your golden lies feed my role In this forgotten...
  11. I

    He likes me for me...

    ...and that sucks. No, seriously. Ok, I'll try explain: He's a good friend. Period. He's seen the worst of me, he knows about my skitz rents, my awkward habbits, everything that I usually just don't like parading around... And for some reason he still likes me, and It just makes...
  12. I

    Climate change resets 'Doomsday Clock'

    What's the time Mr Wolf? 5 to Midnight, ha..ha armageddon is imminent..woot. Idiot nuclear scientists. Scared? oh: http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200701/s1828856.htm What shits me more than anything though is it's a 60 year old anlogue pos clock, who's to say it's not 1155!! Idiots.
  13. I

    Computer = Pain !!

    Ok, so i think it is fair to say that alot of you spend alot of time on the computer. So my question is how do you spend long ammounts of time on the computer without your body just quitting on you? A couple months ago I started an office job that is mainly computer based, and these days my...
  14. I

    Studying For Concerts

    Has anyone ever done this? I'm kindof ashamed to say I have. Like in the week leading up to a particular concert I've listened mainly only to that bands cd's and made an effort to learn the lyrics to any songs I didn't previously know the lyrics to. It paid off when they "threw" the mic over to...
  15. I

    Summer Dresses

    Just a thread to declare my love to stunning summer dresses!
  16. I

    Folk Festivals

    So, who frequents them?
  17. I

    So accidental decapitations are all the rage!

    http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,21064432-663,00.html (sorry, not the most credible source, but I'm in a rush) ... can someone care to explain how the hell a rope (synthetic or otherwise) can cut through muscle, skin, tendon, bone, sinew, veins etc etc etc ACCIDENTALY. I mean...
  18. I

    Well all my friends "grew up"...

    What the fuck? So we've been at uni for a year and all of a sudden these holidays i've just realised how different we are. I didn't really realise until my self and 2 others went to a talk a talk at the AIIA (Brendan Nelson guest speaker) and afterwards i realised how well informed they both...
  19. I


    Oh my fucking god! I love this band, one of my favourite bands to see live (must have seen them 8 times, and not paid more than $50 total...) Anyway in the last 4 days i have heard them 6 times on the radio! SIX TIMES!!! Apparently the drumming on their latest album was mixed my pete doherty...
  20. I

    Do NOT attempt DIY Brazilian...

    Ok, a humble warning My story goes like this: So Summer finally hit my suburb a couple weeks ago (albeit it was a brief affair) and I realised before heading to the beach in my new skimpy bikini I was in desperate need of a bikini wax. So I rung up my regular beautician and she had NO room...