hsc is important for one reason... the higher it is the better chance u have in getting into ur uni course...
if its not high enough to get in worst case senario is to do a tafe course/another uni course for a year and transfer over.
in conclusion u lose around a year of ur life + MONEY in...
yeah ur screwed ... SAM gave me a higher estimate than what i got (which was 90.15)
as long as ur estimate is greater then ur uni course ur good... once ur in uni no one cares about ur mark...
just check out the bonus point system for each uni... an extra 5 bonus points goes a long way!
If you accept and enroll for a course at UTS can u accpet late a round offer from another uni?
if u accept the offer on the UAC website does that mean that spots urs and it wont time lapse and give it to someone else?
what do u exactly do to ensure ur spot at UTS whilst still open to late...
i had this problem last year
i drew what i read ... basically i translated my notes into a set of hieroglyphics. this worked because it made you think about the words and sentences and it combinds random objects to from codes on paper.
if u do this early (ie a few weeks before an exam) u...
UAI cut off will go up WITH OUT A DOUBT
im 0.15 under for UNSW...
i did what i could and its only a typical result in my life to get f#$%ed over again...
i want to do arch... where do u want to do it and what was ur UAI?
i get up at 1pm (holidays atm) so i skip breakfast and lunch
i just have a solid dinner at around 6-7ish... snack etc and sleep 3-4am in the morning the following day ... hehe :D
umm 70 as a raw mark is seen as low according to BOS ... 75-80 is an average mark but i dont see the dumb shits of the state to get these kinds of marks so it seems uneven...
by looking at ur marks ur obviously an above average student in every subject so thats really good... i reckon...