Search results

  1. S

    Engineering/Commerce Combined Degree

    if you want to do telecommunications then why not just enroll in the BE(telecom)/BCom? the flexible first year is only meant for people who don't know yet what they want to do
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    Double Degree

    There is a difference between double degree and combined degree. Normally all of the courses where you complete two degrees are combined degrees. Double degree is a special thing you can do if you combine engineering and science (maybe it exists for other things but not that i know of). If...
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    Question about Double Degrees

    OK how does this sound? One of my tutors last semester was telling me that he originally enrolled in BE(telecom)/BSc(major in computer science). After 2nd year, he transferred to science (this is how the BE/BSc double degree works instead of combined...) However after 3rd year instead of just...
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    Actuarial studies?

    Is it possible to study this at Sydney? If not, what would the closest course be?
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    Accessing a wireless connection

    OK I hadnt realised that it was a specifig telstra thing. I just looked at their website and I have to say those prices really don't look appealing. I suppose even if what I was planning is possible, it most probably is strictly forbidden by telstra. There go my hopes of abusing the system...
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    Accessing a wireless connection

    Just to clarify a point, what i want to do is ignore the wireless side of things, and plug my laptop directly into the network somewhere so that I can achieve speeds greater than what are possible using a wireless connection. ie say i have a wireless card with 802.11g(54Mbps), in reality the...
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    Accessing a wireless connection

    My work (McDonald's) has recently had wireless access installed. I know i could make use of the wireless access alone, but is it possible to get better speeds by plugging my laptop directly into the router (assuming that is what it is... haven't looked closely yet) through the laptop's network...
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    complex problem

    KeypadSDM, Just for the record, I had already done the question two different ways before I posted the question. I was curious about the ways other people approach it considering i'm sure there must be many different ways of doing it. And also, after starting this thread, I found one in the...
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    i found the max to be 3/2+sqr(27/4)i
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    argument question

    ok i have this problem that i'm trying to figure out (z-z')^2 + 8a(z+z') = 16a^2 show that |Arg z| <= pi/4 i've graphed it, and can see that this is true - for any value of 'a' there is one point where the argument is +/- pi/4, namely the point (2a,2a) but how do i prove this nicely? any...
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    complex problem

    i have the following problem for uni and its bothering me because it seems a little too easy. is it correct to assume that since all the points lie in one quadrant and are non-zero, their sum can't possibly be 0? suppose that compelx numbers z<sub>1</sub>, z<sub>2</sub>, ... , z<sub>n</sub>...
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    adv sciences.. r they hard??

    nah i don't know anyone. maybe i should make an effort to tho, seeing as no-one from my school is doing the same course as me:(
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    adv sciences.. r they hard??

    well it seems we're only together for the maths lectures. the tutorials we're in different classes and the rest of our subjects are different except physics, but we alwayshave that at different times...
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    adv sciences.. r they hard??

    electrical engineering and science. so yeh it sounds as if we might be together a bit. all my subjects are advanced except foundations of computer systems. are you similar? maybe we'll overlap even more...
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    adv sciences.. r they hard??

    yeh so do i is there a worse way to start my week than with math1902 at 8am? i have 8am starts on mon, tue, wed, and 9am on thurs and fri. if anyone can beat me then you have my deepest sympathy
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    two internet connections?

    i checked out that multi-link thing. it seems to only be for dial-up, and generally with the same ISP - ie. an ISP offers the multilink feature for usually a little less than double the price of two accounts. has anyone else got an idea on the matter?
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    two internet connections?

    not physically possible? maybe i shouldn't talk considering i'm the one with the problem but i'd think that with all the technology etc that we have, it should be possible to do something reasonably simple like that. and while you might call 7KB silly, i call 3-4KB even sillier.
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    two internet connections?

    that's it. i'm sure there must be a way, i just can't figure it out.
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    two internet connections?

    OK. I have optus cable normally, but of course half-way into the month i reach the dreaded cap and get slowed down to 28K. I also have my computer networked to two others, one of which has a dial-up connection. How can i set it up so that when I download, i use the internet resources of the...
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    2unit mark when u do 4 unit..

    i thought 4 unit students just didnt get a mark for 2u. like 2u isnt even on the list of subjects studied.. so there is no mark, no band, nothing.