Search results

  1. S

    Those who is doing TAFE and transferred to UNI?

    Good friend of mine just transferred into commerce after completing his tafe diploma. He's now in 1st year commerce. He has told me that he spoke to a careers advisor (or the equivalent) at his tafe and got information about it.
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    Semester 2 Results

    Thanks for the tip Minai We received all our marks back for every assesment except our final exam. My average was quite high as I received 100% for the last few assesments. After sitting my final exam that semester I thought it was the least difficult test out of the 4 final exams I sat in...
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    Semester 2 Results

    By the way.. the form is supposed to be primarily for people that have failed the course and want a review of marks. However, I remmeber there was only 1 line that mentions anyone is allowed to do it but you just need to have spoken to your course advisor first.
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    Semester 2 Results

    I've done one of them. I did it for MICR2201 (1st semester microbiology). My mark ended up going a grade from DN to HD. It cost me $60 and ALOT of hassle. I had to lodge the form by a particular date (I think 2 weeks after i receive the result). You need to have proof you talked to a...
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    FINAL Semester 2 Exam Timetable

    Hey pancy pants.. we were looking for you after. You must've left early. I think for the winogradsky question was related to the chlorobi bacteria i.e. green sulphur bac converts sulfur and H2S to SO4. Then the sulphate reducers will convert the waste back to H2S. I didn't like the...
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    acommodation interview

    Had interviews at both New College and Basser college (TKC interview will apply to Goldstein and Baxter) and I got accepted to both colleges. Basser: Asked questions regarding the application form as well as general questions about where I was from and why I wanted to live on college...
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    Out of all my subjects, I look forward to biochem the most. It's been my favourite subject so far. Just to re-iterate: you don't need to have done BIOC2101 to do BIOC2201. BIOC2201 is more about learning concepts and properties of things like amino acids and proteins as well as knowing the...
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    FINAL Semester 2 Exam Timetable

    I couldn't even start my study until Friday I had so many assesments due in week 14 (7 assesments totalling 178%).. I envied all my friends at college who had a breezy week 14 and began studying earlier. Good luck with exams everybody =) I agree!!!!
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    where does Med sci REALLY lead u to?

    Thanks for all your great info Survivor39.. that cleared alot of things up for me. Really appreciate it. How did you get all this info?
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    where does Med sci REALLY lead u to?

    Yep.. thats all I needed to know. Basically I'm just going to pick the BIOC3xxx or whatever to satify the UOC requirements. 18 UOC in one of the subjects to satisfy the major? Thats only 3 subjects!
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    where does Med sci REALLY lead u to?

    Hi Survivior.. I've just got a few questions regarding the course. I'll be going to the science student centre this week but was hoping to see if you knew as well. I was just wondering if you could shed a little more light on the majors for medical science. I'm in 2nd year, going onto 3rd...
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    ATMs/Banks around UNSW

    I've heard a few people here mention the CBA/ING bank combo.. I reccomend using St Geroge/ING bank combination. With St George, you can get a "multi-access" card which is basically an ATM card disguised as a Visa card (sorry I cant describe it any other way!). Basically, when you make...
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    Studying @ UNSW – a guide from a student

    I have one. Whats "sepia"? I heard you mention it in a previous post.
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    study hours required for uni?

    hehe I love that. "open 22 hours". Wonder what they do in the other 2 hours its not open. That reminds me of this 23 hour convenient store. My friends and I just assumed that in that other hour they restocked the shelves and cleaned. Random sorta comment.. but getting back to the topic. I...
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    Should I be a Podiatrist?

    good Sienfield quote So do we call podiatrists doctors?
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    using machinery in universities

    I completely agree. I really doubt whether you'll have anything engineering or too mechanical in biotech. Biotech subjects you'll be doign will be general sciences for 1st year then microbiology and biochemistry type subjects in 2nd year. Haven't actaully heard of any machinery used in...
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    Wireless internet at UNSW

    Thanks everyone for the overwhelmingly large amount of good information and replies. It's really cleared everything up for me. As for myself, I dont think I'll be connecting every single day. I'll only be connective once every so often which means it wont add up to all that much I dont think...
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    Wireless internet at UNSW

    I was just reading about the wireless internet available for laptops in UNSW on and the pricing sounds really good. However, I was just wondering if anyone knew where you pay it to. It just says you need to pay into your UDUS account. It gives no more...
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    UNSW Library VS. Usyd Library

    Yeah I have a few friends coming from Maq who do law to borrow books from the UNSW library. Well as for books, I remember hearing a few people complaining about how hard it is to find books - that their always missing our out etc. I personally have never had that experience myself though.
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    lol hilarious stuff to the last post. Esp. the last comment. No one will get the joke when you make a few more posts though. Nice elaborate plan though - thumbs up.