Another islamic terrorist attack in France (1 Viewer)

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Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Quoting Al Jazeera to prove that Iran's leader supports terrorism is a big mistake. It is known that Al Jazeera is a highly biased Qatari channel that is backed up by Sunni Muslim ideology, which is opposed to Iran's Shia Muslim system. Al Jazeera would do anything to contribute to the deterioration of Iran on a range of aspects. Again, we're getting deep into Iran's politics, which is a whole topic on its own.
Google it. Its not just al jazeera, the guy is a fundamentalist nutjob.

If I recall correctly, the order was cartoon was shown --> murder took place.

There was an action, to which we saw a reaction. (Not justifying murder in any way, I'm just looking at the cause of it).
No, the cause of it is muslim fragility. Cartoons don't cause islamic terrorism, muslims do. If cartoons caused murders, christians would be murdering people over cartoons etc on a daily basis.

Logically, if there wasn't anything wrong with the cartoon, no one would've done/said anything about it.
Okay, you literally ARE justifying it for fucks sake. You're saying that the murders are a result of there being something wrong with the cartoon. It's no different to saying that rape is a response to the way somebody is dressed, otherwise, why do rapists go after women dressed a certain way? Logically, its reaction to an action.

Also, I, as a Chrisitan, would be one of the first people to protest if I see an offensive drawing/cartoon of Jesus being displayed carelessly. But it would end there, I wouldn't kill anyone because of that, which is where you and I both agree.
Yes, which shows there's a fundamental difference between christians and muslims

Approval of terrorism implies you would be okay to be present in an environment where terrorism prevails. That alone indicates a terrorist mentality. So yes, approving terrorism does mean you would be willing to contribute to it because it's something you're okay with.
So you think that everyone who approves of say, invading a middle eastern country is willing to be out on the front lines? So-called "moderate" muslims who aren't terrorists are literally more angry about the cartoons than they are the murders.


New Member
Jun 4, 2018
A majority of muslim support shariah law, which involves the violent enforcement of Islamic beliefs. So this statement is objectively correct.
this is INCORRECT. I can factually say that Islam (or as you call it the Shariah law), does NOT encourage or preach violence in any way. The problem here is, even though these people seem muslim to you, they do not represent Islam as a whole, they are just idiotic people who have no good in themselves. Just because a number of people do terrorist acts, it does not mean the religion as a whole should be perceived in that way.
For example, a number of priests/ popes have been accused for raping children and nuns, but that does not mean that everyone in that particular religion should be labelled as rapists.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
this is INCORRECT. I can factually say that Islam (or as you call it the Shariah law), does NOT encourage or preach violence in any way.
Oh? So shariah law is simply a collection of suggestions? A set of guidelines that people voluntarily follow, and receive no punishment for not following? It's not enforced with the threat of violence?

The problem here is, even though these people seem muslim to you, they do not represent Islam as a whole, they are just idiotic people who have no good in themselves. Just because a number of people do terrorist acts, it does not mean the religion as a whole should be perceived in that way.
The founder of Islam was literally a slave trading warlord, so it seems like they're behaving similarly to him.

And in any case, the response to these murders from muslims was not widespread condemnation of these murders, it was condemnation of france for publishing cartoons and for not being okay with muslim murderers. Muslims are literally more outraged over the cartoons than the murders. So the religion as a whole is not making itself look very good.

And the leader of Iran and former leader of Malaysia have both come out in support of these attacks, both of whom were elected by and have the support of tens of millions of muslims. And dozens of muslim countries have laws against so-called 'blasphemy' and will use violence against those who are 'guilty' of it.

So no, violent opposition to blasphemy is by no means a minority opinion among muslims.

For example, a number of priests/ popes have been accused for raping children and nuns, but that does not mean that everyone in that particular religion should be labelled as rapists.
First off, no pope has raped children or nuns, that's just a bold faced lie.

Second, the founder of Islam was literally a pedophile, the founder of Christianity was not. No catholics are okay with pedophillia, whereas marrying children is common and accepted in much of the muslim world. So that was a really, really bad example to use.


Nov 30, 2019
Oh? So shariah law is simply a collection of suggestions? A set of guidelines that people voluntarily follow, and receive no punishment for not following? It's not enforced with the threat of violence?

The founder of Islam was literally a slave trading warlord, so it seems like they're behaving similarly to him.

And in any case, the response to these murders from muslims was not widespread condemnation of these murders, it was condemnation of france for publishing cartoons and for not being okay with muslim murderers. Muslims are literally more outraged over the cartoons than the murders. So the religion as a whole is not making itself look very good.

And the leader of Iran and former leader of Malaysia have both come out in support of these attacks, both of whom were elected by and have the support of tens of millions of muslims. And dozens of muslim countries have laws against so-called 'blasphemy' and will use violence against those who are 'guilty' of it.

So no, violent opposition to blasphemy is by no means a minority opinion among muslims.

First off, no pope has raped children or nuns, that's just a bold faced lie.

Second, the founder of Islam was literally a pedophile, the founder of Christianity was not. No catholics are okay with pedophillia, whereas marrying children is common and accepted in much of the muslim world. So that was a really, really bad example to use.
Jesus dude, i thought this was a website for HSC discussionons


New Member
Jun 4, 2018
How many christian terrorist attacks occur in the middle east in the face of legitimate religious persecution? None?

Even historically christians have been much, much less violent
No, but what I have seen is the representative of christian churches (i.e the priest, pope) molesting the children and nuns. If you want to defend a cause or go against a cause, or bring your dim witted opinion into anything, I suggest you actually learn all aspects from both sides. You've been deceived by what the media shows you. Why can't you do some good, have a read of the entire bible, then have a read of the entire Qur'an, then make your decision. Please, don't make an argument based on what's on display, or the choices of people, this is how society becomes corrupt.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
No, but what I have seen is the representative of christian churches (i.e the priest, pope) molesting the children and nuns. If you want to defend a cause or go against a cause, or bring your dim witted opinion into anything, I suggest you actually learn all aspects from both sides. You've been deceived by what the media shows you. Why can't you do some good, have a read of the entire bible, then have a read of the entire Qur'an, then make your decision. Please, don't make an argument based on what's on display, or the choices of people, this is how society becomes corrupt.
I have read the Quran. The founder of Islam was a violent warlord who traded slaves and had sex with children.


New Member
Jun 4, 2018
Oh? So shariah law is simply a collection of suggestions? A set of guidelines that people voluntarily follow, and receive no punishment for not following? It's not enforced with the threat of violence?

The founder of Islam was literally a slave trading warlord, so it seems like they're behaving similarly to him.

And in any case, the response to these murders from muslims was not widespread condemnation of these murders, it was condemnation of france for publishing cartoons and for not being okay with muslim murderers. Muslims are literally more outraged over the cartoons than the murders. So the religion as a whole is not making itself look very good.

And the leader of Iran and former leader of Malaysia have both come out in support of these attacks, both of whom were elected by and have the support of tens of millions of muslims. And dozens of muslim countries have laws against so-called 'blasphemy' and will use violence against those who are 'guilty' of it.

So no, violent opposition to blasphemy is by no means a minority opinion among muslims.

First off, no pope has raped children or nuns, that's just a bold faced lie.

Second, the founder of Islam was literally a pedophile, the founder of Christianity was not. No catholics are okay with pedophillia, whereas marrying children is common and accepted in much of the muslim world. So that was a really, really bad example to use.

First I ask you, who is the 'founder of Islam' as you see?
Second, have you actually read the Shariah law? Have you truly opened any accurate source to read the actual laws? I know you must have had some experience of researching assignments in high school.. do you know what a source/ reference is? Can you please find a legitimate one that suggests Shariah law in any way encourages violence?
Can you please answer these questions directly and don't divert it with an argument

Speaking of sources, you say 'that's just a bold faced lie'... I, unlike you, did my research, not from one, but from many sources. I am not saying that Christians or Catholics are 'okay' with anything like that, or should even be identified as paedophiles, but yes, many priests have been caught in the act, and I am only emphasising on the point that you seem to say Islam is a violent religion, I am not diverting from the original given mayhem, but simply giving the point that just because a number of people are guilty of an act, it does not mean the religion preaches in such a manner. Unfortunately you seem so dim witted and pathetically unable to do your own research, so please refer to the following sites:



Nov 30, 2019
First I ask you, who is the 'founder of Islam' as you see?
Second, have you actually read the Shariah law? Have you truly opened any accurate source to read the actual laws? I know you must have had some experience of researching assignments in high school.. do you know what a source/ reference is? Can you please find a legitimate one that suggests Shariah law in any way encourages violence?
Can you please answer these questions directly and don't divert it with an argument

Speaking of sources, you say 'that's just a bold faced lie'... I, unlike you, did my research, not from one, but from many sources. I am not saying that Christians or Catholics are 'okay' with anything like that, or should even be identified as paedophiles, but yes, many priests have been caught in the act, and I am only emphasising on the point that you seem to say Islam is a violent religion, I am not diverting from the original given mayhem, but simply giving the point that just because a number of people are guilty of an act, it does not mean the religion preaches in such a manner. Unfortunately you seem so dim witted and pathetically unable to do your own research, so please refer to the following sites:

I don't think there's a point trying to reason with ignorant people like him who won't listen anyway. Best to just ignore


New Member
Jun 4, 2018
I have read the Quran. The founder of Islam was a violent warlord who traded slaves and had sex with children.
You've been mistaken. I am a muslim, and I am happy to give you a proper translation of the Qur'an.
If you are keen on finding a solution to the corruption happening in society, you will be okay with reading it. I am telling you whichever source you have learnt this from is wrong, and if you are truly interested in finding good you'll consider reading the true copy of the Qur'an.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
I don't think there's a point trying to reason with ignorant people like him who won't listen anyway. Best to just ignore
Disprove a muslim and they mindlessly call you ignorant


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
First I ask you, who is the 'founder of Islam' as you see?

It is a historical fact that he owned, captured and traded slaves

It is a historical fact that he married a 9 year old girl

It is a historical fact that he killed countless innocent people

Second, have you actually read the Shariah law? Have you truly opened any accurate source to read the actual laws? I know you must have had some experience of researching assignments in high school.. do you know what a source/ reference is? Can you please find a legitimate one that suggests Shariah law in any way encourages violence?
Shariah is law. Law is violently enforced. Shariah is not guidelines, it is not suggestions. It is the violent enforcement of Islam.

Speaking of sources, you say 'that's just a bold faced lie'... I, unlike you, did my research, not from one, but from many sources.
I said no popes have raped anyone you utter dullard. Learn to read. You said popes have raped people, which is the part I singed out.

I am not saying that Christians or Catholics are 'okay' with anything like that
My point is that muslims ARE okay with sex with children, because the holy prophet of islam was a pedophile and child marriage is widespread in teh islamic world.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Anyone who thinks it should be illegal to draw cartoons of the islamic prophet is siding with terrorists and is an extremist.


New Member
Sep 11, 2020
Hey, while I am no expert on Islam I saw some inaccuracies in this thread (SOR 2 FTW) and I thought I would refer OP to a good source for the Islamic and Sharia law view of the importance of obeying the laws of other countries.

Yes, extreme Islamic terrorist attacks are awful but like other posters have pointed out they do not represent all or even a majority of Muslims. In fact, if we wanted to view the extremist minority of any group as representative of the whole group then all Buddhists are guilty of genocide (Rohingya Muslims), all Christians are guilty as Klu Klux Klan members, all Hindus are guilty for islamophobic violence in India. But the fact remains that extremists will claims legitimacy through religion but are not representative of these religions.
This is also why no even Muslim majority country has more than 21% of the population supporting Islamic State (and thats in Syria itself!).

Islam is not an inherently violent religion and many of the reasons that Muslim majority countries have laws that appear “backwards” to us is a result of complex social and cultural factors which is why these laws massively differ even between countries led by Sunni Muslims or Shia Muslims. It is blatantly wrong to suggest that Islam is the sole or even main cause of these laws.

Finally, while of course Mohammad marriage to Aisha was pretty bad (as it should be) by today’s standard lets keep in mind that this was a practice openly accepted and engaged in byJewish peoples and Christians also at the time. On the notion that Mohammad was a violent “warlord” lets see this Quran quote “But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and (put your) trust in God”.

I highly doubt you have read the Quran considering you backed up none of your arguments with evidence OP. Lets all try to be a little less hostile and learn before jumping into anger and prejudice.


New Member
Sep 11, 2020
I thought I should also add a quote from the Grand Mufti of Australia in 2015 to further nail the point home —> “We reiterate that the sanctity of human life is guaranteed in Islam... there is no justification for the taking of innocent lives”. That was in response to the Paris attacks which he clearly and rightfully condemned as a prominent Muslim leader.


realest nigga
Jun 10, 2012
ya mum gay
Uni Grad
how come when i go to bankstown where there is a high concentration of muslims, i feel worried but when I go to haymarket I feel safe? Is this normal? how do other people feel?
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