Gangels said:
Almost everything. This is just my opinion but ii beleive that everything is an instrument. A rock falling would be music, the air would be music, the sound of two animals fighting would be music.
A famous composer is the 1950..........i cant remember his name, he went out and sat at a piano for 5 minutes and then left without playing a thing. His arguement was that the noise of the crowd was musical and i fully agree with him.
John Cage.
Yeah, its great "i think everything is music" but having said this, you can't even identify the guy who composed the 4 minutes 33.
Lets all get metaphysical, lets call music the very concept of the electro-magnetic signals which are emitted from the very first life form, heck no, what is music if no one is around to hear it, no even further, music is the sounds of space, you know through a vacuum
YBK: I'm not dissing other people's genres, I'm dissing the fact that these people wish to claim moral superiority over other genres and styles based solely on the fact "music is subjective" and then proclaiming how shit was better in the old days. I've questioned shimmer on his views that there isnt any decent music nowdays, and he's backtracked, used the 'music is perspective man' (all good but doesn't fucking mean its a justified position, if it were, then Hitler shouldn't be judged as a tyrant) and ultimately we've got that his conception of 'music' seems to be relegated to a piss-poor effort of commercial radio and stereotypes.
As for what I listen to, anything, tribal neo-classicist trance, to multilingual pop, to mainstream rock and whatnot. Furthermore, I dont think anyone has the right to tell people what to listen to, and that hasnt been what I've been talking about if you look through my posts, its about making decisions based on a limited scope of what 'music' is. Saying rock is dead, and then quoting that Good Charlotte, Simple Plan is the embodiement of this is just fucking stupid don't you think ?
YBK said:
I guess so, but where was he stupid. I didn't read all the posts here :S
Yeah, not many people have, and thus through the whining and kicking and screaming and cries of "oh noes, stop psychoanalysing my opinion, because I POSTED IT ON A PUBLIC FORUM, and I don't understand what you're talking about so please stop

" I've been made into this "music nazi" FFS. Go read what I wrote and then come back and dispute.