"it appears"......."i think".......how about u get some evidence to back up wat ur saying.....
also when u kill innocent ppl for fun...thats called terrorism....but groups like hamas and hizboallah are called freedom fighters.......
and are u saying that muslims countries are jealous of western countries and are third world....go have a look and kuwiat and saudia arabia and their wealth..then talk
and the website is not a muslim site......did u bother to look at it.....
Uhh , mate, most Islamic countries are fucked up, eg. Iran. Saudia Arabia is the worst example of an Islamic country, its primarily wahabi, cant stand those guys. Hamas and Hizboallah may have a noble caue I guess, a Palestinian state (actually Hizboallah is based in Lebanon but meh), but bombing buses and clubs is terrorism, kills innocent people and is directly against the rules of the Quran. They try to say that they arnt innocent because theyre on their land, but if your born on that land, how can you call them invaders? Hizboallah aren’t so bad though, they got rid of Israeli occupation in Lebanon. They’re TV channel, Al-Manaar is pure bullshit propaganda though. Defiantly not aiding in the peace effort there. The people are sick of 50 years of constant fighting and just want it to end. The 'destruction of Israel' will never happen and they just have to live with them.
Saudia Arabia and Kuwait are wealthy because of oil. As soon as the oil runs out, theyre fucking screwed. Kick-ass awesome countries like the UAE (i was born there

) though don’t rely primarily on oil and have an extremely well developed tourism sector.