Islam is the most pathetic religion i have ever come across.... Which idiot believes that the more pain you go threw, (IE: slicing your son's head open) will give you more rewards when you go to your so called 'heaven'. If you don't believe me, ... feel free to read up on the scum of the earth.
my dear freind.. have u ever heard of the saying"dont believ evrything u read on the internet.."
ok.. now the reason u shouldnt go around typing.. "learn about islam"..."the Quran".. in ur search engine.. is because the sites that will come up are usually prduced by non-muslims.... who are attacking Islam...
this is an extract from the site u posted....
Those of us, who know Islam, know that the understanding of the terrorists of Islam is correct. They are doing nothing that their prophet did not do and did not encourage his followers to do. Murder, rape, assassination, beheading, massacre and sacrilege of the dead "to delight the hearts of the believers" were all practiced by Muhammad, were taught by him and were observed by Muslims throughout their history.
look.... the above is complete and utter ignorance... it is not from an eduacted muslim perspective....the prophet never attacked anyone.. unless he was attacked first
rape....? excuse me.... rape is one of the major sins.... the punishment for rape is obviously hell... how dare these people accuse mohommad (pecace be upon him).. of such an act.... (and teaching it as well).. no wonder they left the religion..
look the reason behind someone leaving the relligion.. is because they lack eduaction on the religion.... if u understand what the religion really teahes u will learn to respect it...
this site.. shows the complete opposite of what Islam teaches...
all the stuff about women!.. we cherish our women... how come half my school is full of girls who wear the head scarf and come from very religious families who incourage their daughters to become doctors... teachers.. and want them to get the best of eduaction...
the prophet has made it compolsoury that every muslim (both male and female).. seek eduaction.... I am doing Jihad... do u know the meaning of Jihad?.. (no u clearly dont.. and neither do the poepl who have created that site..)... the Jihad that i'm doing.. is studying.. studying to become the best person that i can be.... that is Jihad... and i'm doing it for the success of my religion.
killing innocent people is not Jihad.... that is infact a recipe for hell....
do u know what our prophet says about our mothers?.. no i guess not
heaven lies underneath the feet of mothers"....
if u want a tikcet to heaven.. u must be obedient to ur mother.... u must serve ur mother.. be kind to ur mother...
and by the way.. most of the articles.. arent even backed up by Quranic verses. the authors of the site.. comment that the Quran teaches this and that.. and the prophet teaches this and that.. but most of the time they blabbler on without evidence...
every topic which they have raised..has allready been refuted time and time again...
if u want to know about the real Islam
visit (one of the best sites ever created.. about the truths in the Quran related to scinetific facts.. and many amazing things....
ARABIANKNIGHT.. if u want to comment about islam.. please do it with knowldge of both sides of the story.. u've judged us by what u've read.. on the site which is a completely biased opinion...
have a look at the above sites.. to learn about the true religion.. not what people who spend their lives fighting against it think.......