Do you believe in God? (2 Viewers)

Do you believe in God?

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Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
it's a parody of this

which was further parody'd by this



New Member
Oct 13, 2011
Atheism - The belief that there is/are not creator god/s.
Are you fucking retarded?
What that image says is a retarded way of explaining scientific theories that actually make complete sense to non-fucking-retarded cunts.
Not all atheists even believe the big bang is fucking right.
You're on a fucking studying fucking website, grow a fucking brain.
You are going to fail your HSC.
Fucking fuck.
I love how you're probably some sort of disgusting Christian but you obviously don't even fucking do SoR at fucking school because you would know the fucking definition of atheism.
LOL. Do you think I made that? Do you need help? Ease up on the turbo there buddy. Of course I know what atheism is, did I say I didn't?

You jump to assumptions too soon, and how do you fail the HSC? I actually think I'm in a good position to get 90+. (not that this matters)
You do realise that the image is (as Chemical said) a parody that clearly oversimplifies the whole concept of atheism to make it seem dumb for offensive purposes, which has seem to work on you. It's funny when there is an offensive atheism post you go nuts, but how many offensive Christianity posts do you see on this board?

The post is clearly taking a stab at the scientific theories surrounding atheism, duh.
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Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
LOL. Do you think I made that?

Do you need help?
I need you to leave... because honestly I'm afraid your stupidity is contagious.

Ease up on the turbo there buddy. Of course I know what atheism is, did I say I didn't?
By posting that image you were showing that you had no knowledge for the definition of atheism. You have to SHOW what you know, not assume the reader knows.
When you assume you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'.

You jump to assumptions too soon, and how do you fail the HSC? I actually think I'm in a good position to get 90+. (not that this matters)
I just said above.
Obviously not when you can't SHOW that you you the definitions to simple words.

You do realise that the image is (as Chemical said) a parody that clearly oversimplifies the whole concept of atheism to make it seem dumb for offense, which has seem to work on you.
It isn't the concept of atheism. It is the concept of the theory of the big bang, which a large number of atheists don't even believe..
I didn't get angry at the image, I got angry that someone would post the image in a forum that is directly aimed at the more studious/intelligent populace of the education system, and you showed clearly that you were not a member of that populace, which angered me.

It's funny when there is an offensive atheism post you go nuts, but how many offensive Christianity posts do you see on this board?
If it was a funny, offensive atheism post I would have laughed and probably commended you on your hilarity, but this wasn't funny, it's just wrong. If it stemmed from truth and was satirical I would've loled a fair bit, but it is just plain shit.
From the first word it is wrong... I am disappoint.

The post is clearly taking a stab at the scientific theories surrounding atheism, duh.
No... you're saying this to yourself to make yourself feel better, but in fact no.
ALL of the science teachers at my school believe in the big bang, ALL of them also believe God was the creator of this Big Bang, as do many Christians that work in the field of science.
This post is just wrong. That is what made me so angry.
How could you be so stupid as to post it? (srs q)


New Member
Oct 13, 2011

I need you to leave... because honestly I'm afraid your stupidity is contagious.

By posting that image you were showing that you had no knowledge for the definition of atheism. You have to SHOW what you know, not assume the reader knows.
When you assume you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'.

I just said above.
Obviously not when you can't SHOW that you you the definitions to simple words.

It isn't the concept of atheism. It is the concept of the theory of the big bang, which a large number of atheists don't even believe..
I didn't get angry at the image, I got angry that someone would post the image in a forum that is directly aimed at the more studious/intelligent populace of the education system, and you showed clearly that you were not a member of that populace, which angered me.

If it was a funny, offensive atheism post I would have laughed and probably commended you on your hilarity, but this wasn't funny, it's just wrong. If it stemmed from truth and was satirical I would've loled a fair bit, but it is just plain shit.
From the first word it is wrong... I am disappoint.

No... you're saying this to yourself to make yourself feel better, but in fact no.
ALL of the science teachers at my school believe in the big bang, ALL of them also believe God was the creator of this Big Bang, as do many Christians that work in the field of science.
This post is just wrong. That is what made me so angry.
How could you be so stupid as to post it? (srs q)
It seems you aren't in the populace at all because who would openly condescend because others don't post the way they prefer. I apologise that I didn't blatantly explain my education background and the information I knew before posting, I'll be sure to do that for you in the future. You could of assumed I knew what atheism was and simply posted the picture to demonstrate how it feels to be offended about your beliefs, but I guess that's too diverged from your conformist ways.

Populace: A population
Condescend: Do something in a haughty way, as though it is below one's dignity or level of importance
Atheism: The belief that a superior being or God does not exist
You can do the rest if you need to.


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
It seems you aren't in the populace at all because who would openly condescend because others don't post the way they prefer.
I openly "condescended" because you were being blatantly stupid. Mate, if your post wasn't idiotic I wouldn't have said anything.
If you had've posted something that was actually a funny way of putting what atheism actually is I would've laughed and been amused, but you didn't. You posted some shit that doesn't even make sense.
Don't try and be funny when you aren't.

I apologise that I didn't blatantly explain my education background and the information I knew before posting, I'll be sure to do that for you in the future.
You shouldn't have needed to. If you had displayed your knowledge (as you did the opposite) I would've known.

You could of assumed I knew what atheism was and simply posted the picture to demonstrate how it feels to be offended about your beliefs, but I guess that's too diverged from your conformist ways.
Ummm, no... because the picture was a clear indication that you didn't know what atheism was, because if you did know, you wouldn't have posted it.
Mate, how do you know those are my beliefs? I never said I believe in the big bang.
Me conformist? You're a Christian. Conformist and Christian are pretty much the same thing.

Populace: A population
Condescend: Do something in a haughty way, as though it is below one's dignity or level of importance
Atheism: The belief that a superior being or God does not exist
You can do the rest if you need to.
Mate, you don't need to define populace if I had already used it.
Also, you can't define a word by using words that it is a variation of.
I.e. Ran cannot be defined as run in past tense because then the reader is left thinking "then what the fuck is run?"
Also, your definition of atheism is wrong. Atheism is the belief that no creator God/s exist.


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
who the fuck actually accuses someone of being a conformist

fuck you guys are legitimately retarded


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
I openly "condescended" because you were being blatantly stupid. Mate, if your post wasn't idiotic I wouldn't have said anything.
If you had've posted something that was actually a funny way of putting what atheism actually is I would've laughed and been amused, but you didn't. You posted some shit that doesn't even make sense.
Don't try and be funny when you aren't.

You shouldn't have needed to. If you had displayed your knowledge (as you did the opposite) I would've known.

Ummm, no... because the picture was a clear indication that you didn't know what atheism was, because if you did know, you wouldn't have posted it.
Mate, how do you know those are my beliefs? I never said I believe in the big bang.
Me conformist? You're a Christian. Conformist and Christian are pretty much the same thing.

Mate, you don't need to define populace if I had already used it.
Also, you can't define a word by using words that it is a variation of.
I.e. Ran cannot be defined as run in past tense because then the reader is left thinking "then what the fuck is run?"
Also, your definition of atheism is wrong. Atheism is the belief that no creator God/s exist.
That was the point of putting populace in, but anyway. I'm not going to bother replying with dignity and respect if you are just going to openly bash Christianity. And you just used an antonym of my definition of atheism, I used supreme being in a general sense of creator. I even mentioned God. Effectively, God is creator and supreme being. So why further define something to seem intelligent in an attempt to condescend someone? Because honestly, it looks completely unintelligent.

The fact is, there are endless stupid attacking posts on theism, I put one up attacking atheism and you go crazy. You openly bash on theism, but once atheism is bashed, you can't handle it. I'm sorry to say, but to me that seems highly pathetic on your part.

You know what they say: Treat others as you want to be treated.
This should be modified for you: Treat others as you don't want to be treated, especially if they compromise your beliefs.


May 6, 2004
Can't do this thread anymore
No one answers my philosophical questions


Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
who the fuck actually accuses someone of being a conformist
fuck you guys are legitimately retarded
All non-conformists drink coffee.

That was the point of putting populace in, but anyway. I'm not going to bother replying with dignity and respect if you are just going to openly bash Christianity. And you just used an antonym of my definition of atheism, I used supreme being in a general sense of creator. I even mentioned God. Effectively, God is creator and supreme being. So why further define something to seem intelligent in an attempt to condescend someone? Because honestly, it looks completely unintelligent.
I wasn't trying to seem intelligent, your definition was wrong. Buddhists can believe in gods and be atheists because they don't believe in a "creator god" two different things, mate.

The fact is, there are endless stupid attacking posts on theism, I put one up attacking atheism and you go crazy. You openly bash on theism, but once atheism is bashed, you can't handle it. I'm sorry to say, but to me that seems highly pathetic on your part.
No. The fact is, there are endless, hilarious, attacking posts on theism, and you put one up about SCIENTIFIC THEORY that was mislabeled "Atheism", so I had to point out the obvious flaws in your post.
I couldn't care less if people bashed atheism, as long as they do it knowing what atheism is and making fun of that (which is really difficult I'll admit, but I'm sure someone can do it right).
Yes, when you interpret it completely the opposite of what I have said in previous posts it does seem pathetic, but then again that's like saying "Your fat." Then someone saying "She's clearly only a SIZE 7!" and then you being all "OMG you look so stupid, you got so angry at me saying she was fat just because I was abusing your friend. Omg, you're so pathetic! If it was my friend you wouldn't have cared!" "Mate, she's a size 7... stating facts."

You know what they say: Treat others as you want to be treated.
This should be modified for you: Treat others as you don't want to be treated, especially if they compromise your beliefs.
That saying is the Christian Golden Rule. That isn't what "they" say, it is what Christians say, and I'm not a Christian. So, don't try and force your shit morals on me.

You began this fucking thing by being an idiot and posting something that was wrong. So, you got abuse, or as the saying goes "Quae Seminaveris Metes".


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
That saying is the Christian Golden Rule. That isn't what "they" say, it is what Christians say, and I'm not a Christian. So, don't try and force your shit morals on me.
Hey just out of curiousity...
In my opinion, morals aren't necessarily based on CHRISTIAN values.
For eg Treat others as you want to be treated.
Isn't that just a common moral/ethical lesson that we ALL learn despite whether we're religious or an atheist?
Like, just because a family isn't religious and hadn't had any religious affiliation in their lives, their parents would
still install a lesson like that wouldn't they? The teachings found in Christianity from the Bible are just
re-inforcing that moral lesson....what do you think about that?


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
i think we went off track when simcity stopped being discussed


New Member
Oct 15, 2011
Re: Do you believe is God?

I don't believe in God but I believe in the power of God and will therefore preach in a church.

For example, you always hear of an addict who became clean through the power of Christ. If a belief is enough to save someone's life then I will support that belief even if I don't believe in it.

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
Re: Do you believe is God?

imagine if race was in sim city

3 types of sims, black sims white sims and yellow sims

black sim neighbourhoods always have huge amounts of crime and their schools can never get above the "D" grade no matter how much you put the funding slider up

a disaster could be "black sim riot"
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cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
Re: Do you believe is God?

white sims commit fewer crimes than black sims but slightly more crimes than yellow sims and have slightly lower school grades than yellow sims but they also have significatly higher levels of their sims in the residential$$$ wealth grade than yellow sims

yellow sims commit the smallest number of crimes and have the highest school grades and prefer to work in high tech industrial zones and medium wealth commercial offices and have the highest rates in the residential$$ wealth category but at the same time if you dont have gambling legalised in the ordiances section their crime rates are considerably higher (yellow sims love gambling)

black sims have the lowest health rates and lowest life expectancies followed by white sims and then yellow sims in ascending order

philippe j rushton's rule of three


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Active Member
Jan 30, 2011
Re: Do you believe is God?

I don't believe in God but I believe in the power of God and will therefore preach in a church.

For example, you always hear of an addict who became clean through the power of Christ. If a belief is enough to save someone's life then I will support that belief even if I don't believe in it.
But if there is no god, how can the power of god exist?

white sims commit fewer crimes than black sims but slightly more crimes than yellow sims and have slightly lower school grades than yellow sims but they also have significatly higher levels of their sims in the residential$$$ wealth grade than yellow sims

yellow sims commit the smallest number of crimes and have the highest school grades and prefer to work in high tech industrial zones and medium wealth commercial offices and have the highest rates in the residential$$ wealth category but at the same time if you dont have gambling legalised in the ordiances section their crime rates are considerably higher (yellow sims love gambling)

black sims have the lowest health rates and lowest life expectancies followed by white sims and then yellow sims in ascending order

philippe j rushton's rule of three


so asians are superior to whites?

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