Do you support an increased refugee intake? (1 Viewer)

Do you support an increased refugee intake?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 17 50.0%

  • Total voters


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Mohammed was very tolerant and progressive and if you disagree you're just a big dumb islamophobe


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
I feel like if done correctly Iraq could be our muslim Israel.
We already have Muslim allies, that's what Turkey, Jordan and Egypt are. I wouldn't exactly call saudi a true ally with their internal struggles.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2012
No ISIS does not have islamic law on their backing.

It's the same with every religion on how hardcore you want to be following certain outdated laws. The bible said slavery was A-ok, but does the catholic church advocate it? The bible states a woman should not have any position over a man.
No its not the same as every religion. First of all 'slavery' in the bible does not equal 'slavery' now. Secondly, the Old Testament contained the imperfect law, hence the reason Catholicism is based on the New Testament where Jesus lays down the final law. The Catholic Church has a strict formal teaching, unlike any other religion or church. as soon as you stray from those teachings, you are no longer acting as a Catholic. There is no level of 'hardcore' following, you either follow or you dont. It's not left up to lay people to interpret as they please.

This is not the case with Islam.

Fatwas are practically opinions from religious leaders. Does ISIS have hardcore extremists who hold PhD's? Sure they do, THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF A THEOCRATIC STATE.
You still don't get it. Islam is a breeding ground for extremists. Why? With a text like yours and no formal authority, anyone can interpret as they please and act in the name of Islam. I can become an islamic scholar, read some part of the Quran, interpret it as I please and act, and no one can tell me this isn't Islam.

The classic argument of "every religion has its extremists" is ridiculous. No other 'extremists' compare to Islamic 'extremism', and there is a reason for that.

And you call them hardcore extremists, yet aren't they doing what Mohammed himself did?

If ISIS or any other idiot knows the history of Islamic caliphates, is that they were VERY tolerant of other religions. If you weren't muslim, they just taxed you for it. That's their method of conversion but in Islam you cannot FORCE someone to be muslim.
That's interesting actually, so tell me, what's the punishment for apostasy in Islam?

A lot of muslims do disagree with ISIS and what they're doing, there's a lot of political movement rather than religious over in the ME on ISIS.

Remember Al Qaeda the big bad guy? They even told ISIS to STOP THEIR SHIT on killing civilians because it was not part of the end goals. ISIS isn't just killing only christians, theyre slaughter muslims as well and that shit isn't ok in the Koran either.
And a lot of Catholics agree with abortion. Does that mean Catholicism supports abortion? of course not. It doesn't matter what muslims think. Many people dont have a problem with muslims themselves, the problem they have is with Islam.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2012
It still amazes me how one can call it a religion of peace when the founder was a warrior.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
It still amazes me how one can call it a religion of peace when the founder was a warrior.
Have I ever called it a religion of peace? Judaism was founded on the concepts of conquest in the name of God as well. Actions of the catholic church is no better.

More catholics have killed british protestants than any other religious sect in modern history yet we don't see the same persecution of irish catholics now do we?

Yes there are christian extremists in the world, but because most christian nations are STABLE democratic regimes with a functional economy, you don't get that many crazies. The holocaust happened duly in part with age old catholic anti-semitism, Europe had a long history on pograms and persecution of the jews. When people are desperate or find their life meaningless, a lot of them turn to religion for good or bad. Once you lose everything you are free to do anything.

Did Mohammed create the first caliphate with an army? You bet your ass he did. If you were living in 1000 AD, you'd probably want to live in the islamic caliphate since it was the PINNACLE of science and technology of its time. Only took a few fuckwits who went nutters to destroy all that progress. Europe had the same experience with the catholic church's dogmatic repression, same thing in going on in Islam. Problem is with the ME ALL of it's borders were drawn up by the French and English and they placed a lot of tribes who hate each other in the same area. What people are truly forgetting the middle east is a completely different region due to its tribalism. Why do you think muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia aren't as crazy as the saudis?

Well Sylvia DIBP need about a $500 million dollar injection in its investigative services to properly assess the level of fraud and I doubt any government is going to bother spending that much. They've already gone VERY VERY lax about student visa conditions for students not showing up to uni. They've already stopped caring and given up.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
If you want to blame anyone for all the rise in extremism, blame it on the Saudis.

Who do you think sell wahhabist literature? The Saudis. Who do you think has the most money to bankroll their version of Islam? The Saudis. There's a HUGE rise of salafism/wahabism everywhere mainly due to the Saudis able to send and provide wahhabist literature to madrasas/mosques globally.

You'd see the same shit with christianity if the westboro church had BILLIONS of dollars to bankroll their shit and set up churches, hospitals, aid centers etc. You pretty much create a GIANT recruiting ground.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
When people are desperate or find their life meaningless, a lot of them turn to religion for good or bad. Once you lose everything you are free to do anything.
Yes and the success of countries is determined wholly by chance. The people in the country and their culture have noooo effect on it.

Did Mohammed create the first caliphate with an army? You bet your ass he did. If you were living in 1000 AD, you'd probably want to live in the islamic caliphate
Except of course if you were non-muslim.

Europe had the same experience with the catholic church's dogmatic repression, same thing in going on in Islam.

Problem is with the ME ALL of it's borders were drawn up by the French and English and they placed a lot of tribes who hate each other in the same area. What people are truly forgetting the middle east is a completely different region due to its tribalism. Why do you think muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia aren't as crazy as the saudis?
Oh god, this meme NEVER ceases to crack me up, especially from pro-immigration loonies like yourself.

Different tribes of the same racial groups can't live near each other with literally wanting to MURDER each other, but then white folks get unhappy about having their countries flooded with people of entirely different races and you wonder why they're unhappy?

Diversity truly is our strength!


Active Member
Aug 11, 2014
I don't see an advantage in an increased refugee intake, so no.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2012
Have I ever called it a religion of peace?
Yes you have. every time you call it islam. do you know what the root word from which 'islam' is derived?

And you still haven't told me what the punishment for apostasy is in Islam? Curious what rules such a free and peaceful religion has in place.

If you want to blame anyone for all the rise in extremism, blame it on the Saudis.

Who do you think sell wahhabist literature? The Saudis. Who do you think has the most money to bankroll their version of Islam? The Saudis. There's a HUGE rise of salafism/wahabism everywhere mainly due to the Saudis able to send and provide wahhabist literature to madrasas/mosques globally.

You'd see the same shit with christianity if the westboro church had BILLIONS of dollars to bankroll their shit and set up churches, hospitals, aid centers etc. You pretty much create a GIANT recruiting ground.
So if there are different 'versions' of Islam, tell me why muslims claim some of them "dont represent Islam"? The Saudis you speak of would say the same about the 'moderate' muslims who mix with infidels. So who is right? They are all right because islam allows for all these 'extremist' and non-extremist interpretations. islam could have the most peaceful teachings of any religion, and someone can interpret as they please and they are technically correct, because no formal teaching is issued. And thats the same with any religion where there is no formal teaching. If i'm part of some protestant church called 'Church of BoS' where there is no formal teaching, i can interpret texts and writings as i please, and am still allowed to declare my actions as in the name of BoS. It doesn't matter what other members of the chruch think, the church allowed it in the first place.

But of course if islam did contain peaceful teachings, surely the wacky interpretations would be to a minimum right? So that begs the question as to why they are so many 'extremist' interpretations of Islam? Because there are over 40,000 christian churches or denominations, and so far the most extremist interpretation known to the general public is westboro, and they're harmless besides offensive words and stupid signs.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Yes you have. every time you call it islam. do you know what the root word from which 'islam' is derived?

And you still haven't told me what the punishment for apostasy is in Islam? Curious what rules such a free and peaceful religion has in place.

So if there are different 'versions' of Islam, tell me why muslims claim some of them "dont represent Islam"? The Saudis you speak of would say the same about the 'moderate' muslims who mix with infidels. So who is right? They are all right because islam allows for all these 'extremist' and non-extremist interpretations. islam could have the most peaceful teachings of any religion, and someone can interpret as they please and they are technically correct, because no formal teaching is issued. And thats the same with any religion where there is no formal teaching. If i'm part of some protestant church called 'Church of BoS' where there is no formal teaching, i can interpret texts and writings as i please, and am still allowed to declare my actions as in the name of BoS. It doesn't matter what other members of the chruch think, the church allowed it in the first place.
Yes Apostasy is a capital punishment and it's horrendous. You can blame it on the saudis for that one too.

As I said, go look at the history of wahabissm and salfisism. They came in huge after the fall of the ottomans. The current Saud royal family are wahabbists and they follow a VERY VERY strict code of Islam, no more different than the Puritans and their interpretation of the bible. As I said, it's become a lot more popular these days because they are able to BANKROLL their ideology. Same as why outside of Europe and USA, the catholic church is the most PROMINENT sect of Christianity. ISIS as an overall organization is being loved by the crazies. They've gone so far off their tits even AL QAEDA has kicked them out and declared open war on them. Think about that, our former most extremist islamic jihaddist organization has kicked out someone for being "too extreme." ISIS is more of a threat to muslims than to any other group.

Guess you never heard of Jonathan Edwards in his interpretation of god.

But of course if islam did contain peaceful teachings, surely the wacky interpretations would be to a minimum right? So that begs the question as to why they are so many 'extremist' interpretations of Islam? Because there are over 40,000 christian churches or denominations, and so far the most extremist interpretation known to the general public is westboro, and they're harmless besides offensive words and stupid signs
Westboro may be harmless, but give them the entire oil money of Texas and you can see their shit spread. I wouldn't exactly call the actions of the Catholic church in it's past (not pedo shit) exactly "harmless" either.

I guess you forgot the KKK is pretty much a religious organization haven't you? Blowing up abortion clinics and killing catholics and jews don't exactly make them harmless. I guess you never even heard of the acts of genocide committed by Christian militias in lebanon during the civil war. Nor do you remember that the Irish troubles was in fact acts of religious terrorism.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Different tribes of the same racial groups can't live near each other with literally wanting to MURDER each other, but then white folks get unhappy about having their countries flooded with people of entirely different races and you wonder why they're unhappy?

Diversity truly is our strength!
Unless you are full blooded aboriginal, you cannot bitch about immigrants at all.

You also forget the effects of colonialism in those former countries, why do you think India and Pakistan are two separate countries? Go learn some history. Shit like Rwanda was essentially belgians fault for setting up power based on racial lines, same shit going on in the ME. Why do you think in Lebanon they have seperate offices for different religions? President has to be a maronite, prime minister a sunni, speaker of house a shiite.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Unless you are full blooded aboriginal, you cannot bitch about immigrants at all.
Well first of all, the current immigrants wouldn't be coming here if it weren't for Europeans. Europeans made the country of Australia.

Europeans didn't immigrate to Australia, they conquered it and created their own system from scratch.

Secondly, idiots like you get upset over """""xenophobia"""""" in European countries too so don't act like being indigenous has anything to do with it.

You also forget the effects of colonialism in those former countries, why do you think India and Pakistan are two separate countries? Go learn some history.
I'm not ignorant of the history, I'm saying the history doesn't fit in with your stupid narrative. If different tribes can't live together in peace, why expect different races to?

Shit like Rwanda was essentially belgians fault for setting up power based on racial lines, same shit going on in the ME.
No, shit like rwanda is caused by africans being a bunch of savages.

Again, white people are evil xenophobes for not liking non-white immigrants living in their country, but africans are blameless for carrying out genocide because they had to live with people of a different ethnic group.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
I'm going to bolster my argument concerning geopolitics and ethnoreligions by referencing...the author of 'the fault in our stars'.

Nice one.
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Pew Pew
Feb 17, 2014
Not sure if somebody's already said this but:

Whenever these refugees are let out during their probation-like periods I'll always hear on the news of them trying to rape a woman or vandalising public property.

I don't mind an increased intake, it's just as long as they don't go ruining this privilege through actions such as those mentioned above


Taking a Piss
Aug 2, 2012
Not sure if somebody's already said this but:

Whenever these refugees are let out during their probation-like periods I'll always hear on the news of them trying to rape a woman or vandalising public property.

I don't mind an increased intake, it's just as long as they don't go ruining this privilege through actions such as those mentioned above
Too bad the current refugees are abusing the privilege..... and most of them are muslims unfortunately.... lol

If they commit a crime, they deserve to get kicked out, no ifs or buts


Jul 29, 2011
Uni Grad
Too bad the current refugees are abusing the privilege..... and most of them are muslims unfortunately.... lol

If they commit a crime, they deserve to get kicked out, no ifs or buts
I'm sort of coming into this discussion without reading an awful lot of the posts posted earlier, but this is just ridiculous. If refugees commit a crime, they should be punished justly. Kicking people out for committing minor crimes is absurd, maybe we should be kicking out Australian citizens who run a red light then?

Obviously, if they go around doing some seriously bad stuff (trying to rape, causing major damage to public property, etc) then they probably should be kicked out of the country, however not on the basis that they don't deserve to be here (everyone should have the right to a life without oppression), but because they're taking up a spot which can be better filled by someone else who actually respects the opportunity that they are being offered.

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