Does God exist? (3 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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katie_tully said:
That was in America, after they had converted to Christianity. They were also often persecuted for practising their "voodoo", tribal beliefs, if I remember correctly.
but you said that religion gave them a glimmer of hope. my point is that it gave them all hope. whether christianity or voodo


what religion should be is opinion. yes some religious people got it wrong and do try to killothers or go on wild conversion sprees but Jesus came to just show the way. not to force but to give another opinion.

have you ever realised that your body and all of nature will one day die? what a thing to place your soul in, something that will not last. God however goes on and on. He is somehting that lasts
What religion should be is opinion? Therefore, what you're really saying is, extremists aren't wrong because it's their opinion that infidels should die in the name of their God.
How do you know religious people got it wrong? They could very well be right, after all they're following the Bible/Quaran. People were converting and murdering their counterparts well before Jesus, and well after Jesus supposedly died.

Everything dies. Everything is reused though, in quite a simple little concept called the flow of energy.

Once again, there is no proof of a 'soul' existing either. That is up for individual debate..


but you said that religion gave them a glimmer of hope. my point is that it gave them all hope. whether christianity or voodo
I never said religion gave them a glimmer of hope.
The previous comment where I did, was me being facetious.


katie_tully said:
What religion should be is opinion? Therefore, what you're really saying is, extremists aren't wrong because it's their opinion that infidels should die in the name of their God.
How do you know religious people got it wrong? They could very well be right, after all they're following the Bible/Quaran. People were converting and murdering their counterparts well before Jesus, and well after Jesus supposedly died.

Everything dies. Everything is reused though, in quite a simple little concept called the flow of energy.

Once again, there is no proof of a 'soul' existing either. That is up for individual debate..
no i meant by you saying thats"what religion should be" is your opinion. others have diff opinions. i dont really like "religion" as it often gets caught on the things that dont matter.

I never said religion gave them a glimmer of hope.
The previous comment where I did, was me being facetious.

ok so ive lost where your point is


Zoom Zoom
Jan 19, 2005
Tuggeranong ACT
katie_tully said:
What religion should be is opinion? Therefore, what you're really saying is, extremists aren't wrong because it's their opinion that infidels should die in the name of their God.
How do you know religious people got it wrong? They could very well be right, after all they're following the Bible/Quaran.
But they're not though. They only claim to be following the Bible or the Koran, but prove me if I'm wrong in saying that neither of those texts have God saying its ok to go out and kill anyone that has wronged you.

Those people are indeed wrong because they are incorrectly using a Holy Text to justify their actions


M-turkey said:
But they're not though. They only claim to be following the Bible or the Koran, but prove me if I'm wrong in saying that neither of those texts have God saying its ok to go out and kill anyone that has wronged you.

Those people are indeed wrong because they are incorrectly using a Holy Text to justify their actions

Oddy Nocki

Mar 3, 2006
genavania said:
well what else is there to put your hope in?
humanity? it has sure let us down time and time again.
they believe what they cannot see, they doubt it they challenge it and in the end they believe it.

answer me that question. if not religion or a supernatural" belief then what???
Okay...this is real easy. I'll make as clear as I can. (I do realise that by simplfiying this stuff down to make it access able it gets unfocused and reading back I can see alot of the holes that are created are due to the fact I would have to define each major term. But this more the nature the abstract ideas they describe (define) So to counter this and stop me having to write heaps more then I could be bothered, just ask for clarification and I'll see what I can do.

Why do you need hope? That like saying you'll do your best. Noone cares what your best is. The bar will be there, it's not coming down because you inable. Why? because there are people who will step up and move it higher. And dwelling on how you could have been better but God stopped you. Is a cop out.

There is nothing outside of yourself to put your hope in. NOTHING. I'm sorry, but the only think worth puting hope in is you. You are the only thing that determines your desitiny. Your desire,drive and ability to think will determine how far you can push to achieve.

But what about everyone else? It is the same. What they do is irrealivent to your ultimate sucess. As long you realise that you, not your friends, family or a higher power is going to stop you. Hinder maybe, but at the end of the day it is you.

The real question is why do you need an outside force to motivate you to act? Either good or bad. (I don't really consider anything that black and white) Why can't people just accept that people are selfish by nature (They will and do what they want). Whether they do it on purpose is debatable.

Why a higher power even needed? Because people are unwilling to explore their own thought processes and even then, are too stupid to come to any real sort of answer. I'll admit that I'm not a genius*. But I do have access to a skill. That skill is reading and thinking. It hurts my brain that there is 2000 year plus worth of recorded human thoughts and ideas (not all are good but still) yet people are unable to step back from their lives (I'm talking about general day to day duties) and try and decide why they think like they do. The only time most people even consider self reflection is when they have a near death experience. Even then they don't really think about it. The thought process goes like this:

Stupid life, live in the now.

Death experience, realise that they are living a retarded exstience.

Search for meaning, looks for easy option, cause anything more is to hard, this involves buck passing, find religion. This provides all of the above.


Go back to stupid life, now have religion and peace of mind, feel superior because they have the answers.

See look at that, I just covered 99% of the population's self reflection (those who even get that far) in 5 steps. I dislike the fact that shit is this easy to see through.

Conclusion: Hope is a retarded term
You are what you put in, not other people
People are stupid, most people have never thought of this.
Stupid people can't think
It's sad.

*I lied, I am a genius. Look at that shit. See?


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
answer me that question. if not religion or a supernatural" belief then what???
What do you mean? If not supernatural belief than natural belief.

As for putting your 'hope' into it... like I don't even understand what that means, hope for what? Hope for a life after death? There are ways to deal with it and I would contest that religion doesn't really help people to deal with it any better.

i will give an example of the african slaves in america, their spiritual songs of God lifted their spirits right through.
Yes, religion was also used as a way to justify keeping them as slaves. I don't doubt that a belief in God can be an uplifting thing, but you can get your inspiration from so many more things, even just a love of your fellow man.

I personally don't have a problem with religions such as Buddhism, pagans and those African tribes and such. Their religions are not based on destroying the infidel, looking down on non christian counterparts, and trying to convert every person they meet.
Their religions are based on what religion should be, the self and nature.
Well, I do, I have very big problems with these religions... have you looked into them much?

have you ever realised that your body and all of nature will one day die? what a thing to place your soul in, something that will not last. God however goes on and on. He is somehting that lasts
Have you ever realised that your job is meaningless? Have you ever realised that chances are the love you share with your girlfriend/boyfriend will one day disappear? Have you ever realise that building that sandcastle you built will be washed away by the tide? Have you ever realised that snowman you made will one day disappear?

Everything we do, imo, is ultimately pointless. But we are moral beings, living our mortal lives, in our little mortal 'universe' we've created... sure ultimately the love I share with others is pointless, but to me as a human at the time it is the most important thing I can imagine - and that is enough, isn't it?

but you said that religion gave them a glimmer of hope. my point is that it gave them all hope. whether christianity or voodo
Yes religion did give them hope, but perhaps it also stopped them from taking action. Maybe, if they had realised that this life was the only one they'll ever live, so it's REALLY shitty to live it as a slave, they would have rose up against their oppressors earlier...

They only claim to be following the Bible or the Koran, but prove me if I'm wrong in saying that neither of those texts have God saying its ok to go out and kill anyone that has wronged you.
I'm sure if i looked hard enough I could find a bunch of verses talking about killing others etc, but then it would come down to the big interpretation debate again. It's not as clear cut as you wish it was, there is no 100% pure bible / koran / torah.
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I read a good question once, on a website.
It said that when God appeared to Moses as a burning bush, and told him to lead the Jews out of Egypt, then it was no longer faith, as Moses had seen God. If that is the case, would Moses have lead the Jews out of Egypt without seeing God?

Also, if the Bible does not condone violence, why did God command Abraham to murder his own son?


Genavania, the Bible, well Genesis anywho, supports slavery.
"12 For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner"


I find it funny that the only people who claim to have seen god, died a few thousand years ago.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Not really, there's people all across the world today claiming to see god/mary. I watched a show a little while ago with a woman who claims jesus is in her door, it has two of those... you know circle things from when they cut the wood, and they look like eyes to her - thus - jesus.

Cheese sandwich... mary...

There's many examples, people are tools.


lol. :\

Remember too in the Old Test, God's punishment to eve and all women after her was the pain of childbirth.

As if pushing a baby out of your womb wasn't going to be painless anyway? Damn you Eve, you bitch.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Yea I find it really odd that people can read the story and not realise what it's about. My little brother, he's 14, he said to me the other day (we don't talk about this sorta stuff)... cuz he goes to the christian school I used to go to. "The bible just seems so much like a little kids story, I don't know how people can believe in this stuff" or something along those lines. I was pretty impressed :)


By questioning the validity of the Bible, (which is apparently the word of God), I personally think we can disprove the existance of God.

If it can be proven beyond doubt that the Bible is a lie, then what else do you have that supports the existance of God? That warm fuzzy feeling you apparently get when you're having a down day? lolol, I call that Jim Beam.


Feb 17, 2006
The Bible is an excuse to no longer fear death.

Trust me, If theres a hell, we're all going to it.

God is evil. Evil will ALWAYS perish to good. I will lead the armies of hell, alongside Satan, to bring down the gates of Mordor, I mean heaven.

God would be too chicken shit to burn us all for longer than one eternity anyway, theres always the next. Burning for an eternity will make us want heaven more, too bad it dont exist.

Like I said, I will lead the armies of hell to oppose the gates of heaven, Im sure after burning for half an eternity you will ALL be with me.

Plus, the people who are in heaven would be TOTAL pussies, as if a couple trillion demons fresh out of an eternal burning wouldnt own 5 doo gooder heaveners.

Face it God, your fucked, you better hope to god that you dont exist.

Bahah, he will be too scared to let me die now. YOU WONT BE SO HIGH AND MIGHTY WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!

-Wait, I think now ive become evil, im in a paradox and so is god. He is evil, but if I oppose him then i'll be evil too. and evil always perishes. Oh well, I guess ill perish. At least God iwll go down with me.

--BTW, I AM insane, its been proven.
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Feb 17, 2006
sam04u said:
Another thing is; when you really think deeply about this subject... you can truely feel the "presense" of god... it's a warmth... as if... the entity is within you.
But, when you think deeply about something which is against the will you can feel like a flush of coldness.. you may not agree... or you may have not tried to feel for it.
If you were thinking about Satan, or something that may result in eternal hellfire, wouldnt you be warm and not cold?
Why would you be warm when thinking about God? Everything related to God is cool, not warm.

What I am saying is, How sure are you that your worshipping the right thing. Maybe your worshipping the wrong entity and when you turn away from your 'God' you feel the coolness of your true God.

Or maybe, if your feeling anything at all, from 'God', as you say, your more insane than I am.

By the way, Christian people are'nt happy, they're horrible and stop at nothing to convert others. Maybe you should stop at once, your going to go to hell with me anyway.

Sorry to be blunt and right at the same time, it must hurt being you.
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Christ you talk some shit Maiden. If you arent going to contribute something worthwhile, fuck off and play with your doodle elsewhere.

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