i put kings court too... but its definately wrong...
i even wrote 'chancery' on the damn page and still picked kings court WTF
but i thought it was sort of a trick question - chancelllor sounds similar to chancery, i thought maybe they chucked in chancellor to catch people out... then i look at the textbook and DAMN!

multiple choice really did suck the balls though, so many of them had like 2 answers that were mostly correct... i was so confused

... so i just raced through them to get to the responses, which were dead easy btw
oh and was it a bit weird having a) and b) where you had to turn the page after saying 'petty theft'.. lol.. i was too scared to do that so i wrote like 3 lines on those .. 8 marker was weird.. felt more like a 4 marker so i had to make up some bs.