Goodes aims for "All australians to be treated equally" (2 Viewers)

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Survivor of the HSC
Nov 30, 2011
uhh yea YEARS AGO

They've received 100x more compensation that they would ever have required.

its time to move on.

Now they are treated like gods. Nothing is biting at the heels of aboriginals that would prevent them from being treated equally in society like whites. In fact they are getting SPECIAL TREATMENT for something that happened so long ago.

If they CHOOSE to be petrol sniffers and drug addicts in central australia, thats their frickin problem. It has NOTHING to do with white people, AFTER ALL AS IVE JUST SAID we've been compensating for our sins since we came here. We are not harming them, there is nothing going on that would indicate white people believe themselves superior to aboriginals. We've been non stop trying to lift up their communities on par with white communities.

The problems aboriginals in central australia face are largely due to their own fault as well as inability to organise themselves as a community. YES we must help them out and encourage them to be like any other person in society, with a job and a stable income and healthy family, and if they decide to not do so, fuck them! We tried to help them, its their own problem if they dont want help.

All the drugs, petrol sniffing, crime etc continues. Why? Well maybe dont even ask yourself that bloody question, australia has done its job as well as it could in bringing the aboriginals up to speed in society and if they choose to lower themselves again WHY SHOULD WE BOTHER HELPING THEM if they will just revert to their state as before. Those who don't wish to better themselves as people and accept the help whites are giving them, they should be left alone. You wont change them.

I dont know who im talking to lol but its quite satisfying just writing things down.
I don't think people choose to become "petrol sniffers", as you so eloquently put it. It's the almost ingrained cycles of drug abuse that come from a disadvantaged and subjugated position people are forced into, that facilitate this behaviour. This is similar to people born into families with violence, they almost "absorb" this behaviour because that's what they see, and people, tend to learn through example. Their situation isn't getting better with the borderline ignorant attitude you display towards them. What they need is compassion in order to bridge the inequalities between our populations and their communities.

Although it is debatable how the government chooses to spend money and "close the gap", in order to fix a system with gaping holes, you will require lots of investment that may seem outrageous to other communities that aren't 100% empathetic with these situations.

With regards to the bolded part, have you ever gone to mandatory history in high school, where we learnt about the deconstruction of Aboriginal communities, aptly known as "the Stolen Generations"? Or about the subjugation of them when the First Fleet and other colonisers arrived? Do you understand the poignant inequalities within their communities and ours, that makes it significantly harder to access resources that can help "reconstruct" their lives? Remote areas in Central Australia have significantly less access to economic, health and educational resources, making it much harder to "stabilise" their lives. There are efforts to alleviate these stresses, as I have seen Aboriginal communities binding together and raising awareness about these disparities through art (re: exhibition at MCA last year) and expansion of the 'bush food' industry, which aims to provide jobs to indigenous Australian workers. However, even though there are efforts that attempt to provide possible solutions for these problems, it's not going to help with ignorant attitudes and lack of empathy. You say "its their own problem if they dont want help", but do you know how hard it must be to simply "fix" your life? It takes years, and its extremely dismissive of you to say something like that.

I don't find any satisfaction with being a bigot.

I also hope you know it isn't just "whites" "giving them help", it is the entirety of the tax-paying Australian population of a diverse range of multicultural backgrounds. There's other racial groups than just "whites" you speak of.


Jun 8, 2012
not throwing money, building infrastructure, CREATING a new environment for them alland encouraging them to live a new life. This has been done, and although SOME aboriginal communities have drastically increased their quality of life, the majority simply dont WANT to.

Indeed, its not so much of a matter to help them, rather it should be a matter of encouraging them to actually WANT to do something with their lives, not just slack off and do fuck all, blowing the taxpayer money they get on drugs and alcohol and living a life of poverty.

Money doesnt do the trick. Things fall back to their original way very quickly. What we have to do is somehow make a majority of aboriginal communities WANT to change. And that task if beyond my knowledge of how to solve, feel free to suggest a soluition.

Many aboriginal communities are severely lacking in infrastructure.

And what makes you say they don't want a better life and equality?


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
Personally I would be insulted how the government treats aAboriginals. It's like being Aboriginal is also a disability. You hear things like "We should allocate more funding to this area because it has mentally retarded, low education and Aboriginal people".


May 1, 2011

Many aboriginal communities are severely lacking in infrastructure.

And what makes you say they don't want a better life and equality?
probably something he's "observed" with his omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent IQ


Dec 23, 2012
Uni Grad
for centuries yes. NOT ANYMORE THOUGH ffs look at how well off they are now, they FUCKING DONT NEED TO HAVE ANY MORE MONEY

Noone is fucking pushing them away because their aboriginal. We have assigned them a god like status in the eyes of australian society so they should have NO PROBLEMS stepping out into society and getting jobs and being encouraged to become regular members of society without fucking sucking on taxpayer tits.
Ok then. So why don't you tell us all exactly what point it all stopped at and give us some examples of things being 100% 'fixed'?

I think the fact that you even felt the need to start this thread perfectly illustrates everyone's point that society is still extremely racist.


Active Member
Jul 22, 2012

Yea um ok then, can I pls have centrelink benefits and more taxpayer money just because I come from a white family?

I mean, aboriginal kids get money from the government just cos they're aboriginal, I think thats a bit of a DISCREPANCY and we must "close the gap". White people should be equal with blacks, we should also get money like them.
classic south african

for centuries yes. NOT ANYMORE THOUGH ffs look at how well off they are now, they FUCKING DONT NEED TO HAVE ANY MORE MONEY

Noone is fucking pushing them away because their aboriginal. We have assigned them a god like status in the eyes of australian society so they should have NO PROBLEMS stepping out into society and getting jobs and being encouraged to become regular members of society without fucking sucking on taxpayer tits.
they're treated like children not gods

Question: Is there an international Jew day? Do jews around the world get compensation for the horrific suffering of their ancestors under the hands of Hitler?


And the extermination and racism towards jews was infinitely worse than that towards aboriginals.

and i'd say it's about the same

Well if you had a decent IQ you'd see the shit that STILL goes on in aboriginal communities despite MUCH MONEY GOING INTO CHANGING THIS.

Fuck you must be so dumb if you can't see that.
if you had a decent IQ you'd have easily gotten an atar above 97

~fuck you must be so dumb~

Im glad you made an attempt at contributing to the discussion, however I dont think it was a very good one.

Nice try tho :)

Keep trying and you might write something constructive eventually.
he's not contributing because there isn't a discussion going on
your original and valid point of misdirected welfare has been lost under racially charged hysterical yelling so nobody is really going to take the argument/thread seriously

keep trying and you might write something constructive eventually


real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
Haya, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

And this is coming from someone who actually likes you.
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